matruprasad rout
EBSD study of microstructure evolution during axisymmetric hot compression of 304LN stainless steel
M Rout, R Ranjan, SK Pal, SB Singh
Materials Science and Engineering: A 711, 378-388, 2018
Cross rolling: a metal forming process
M Rout, SK Pal, SB Singh
Modern manufacturing engineering, 41-64, 2015
Finite element simulation of a cross rolling process
M Rout, SK Pal, SB Singh
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 24, 283-292, 2016
Deformation Behavior and Evolution of Microstructure and Texture During Hot Compression of AISI 304LN Stainless Steel
M Rout, S Biswas, R Ranjan, SK Pal, SB Singh
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 1-17, 2018
A fully coupled crystal plasticity-cellular automata model for predicting thermomechanical response with dynamic recrystallization in AISI 304LN stainless steel
J Park, M Rout, KM Min, SF Chen, MG Lee
Mechanics of Materials 167, 104248, 2022
Mechanism of microstructure evolution and grain growth in friction stir welding of AA6061-T6 and AISI304 in air and water media
RP Mahto, M Rout, SK Pal
Materials Chemistry and Physics 273, 125081, 2021
Prediction of edge profile of plate during hot cross rolling
M Rout, SK Pal, SB Singh
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 31, 301-309, 2018
Texture-tensile properties correlation of 304 austenitic stainless steel rolled with the change in rolling direction
M Rout
Materials Research Express 7 (1), 016563, 2020
Finite element modeling of hot rolling: Steady- and unsteady-state analyses
M Rout, SK Pal, SB Singh
Computational Methods and Production Engineering, 83-124, 2017
Optimization of Tensile Strength of AISI304 Stainless Steel and Copper using Nd:YAG Laser Welding
KK Kanaujia, MP Rout, BC Behera, SK Sahoo, BK Maharana
5th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME …, 2011
Finite element analysis of ultrasonic stepped horn
B Behera, SK Sahoo, L Patra, M Rout, K Kanaujia
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela–769 8, 2011
Microstructure and texture evolution in austenitic stainless steel during low strain rate deformation at elevated temperature
M Rout, SB Singh, SK Pal
International Journal of Material Forming 13, 605-621, 2020
Finite Element Analysis of Cross Rolling on AISI 304Stainless Steel: Prediction of Stress and Strain Fields
M Rout, SK Pal, SB Singh
5th International & 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and …, 2014
Corrosion characteristics of AA 7075 and AA 7075/SiC/Gr hybrid composite processed through multistep hot cross rolling
V Murugabalaji, M Rout, H Soni, BN Sahoo
Materials Chemistry and Physics 313, 128713, 2024
Tensile properties variation along the thickness direction of hot rolled austenitic stainless steel
M Rout, V Murugabalaji
Materials Science and Engineering: A 865, 144643, 2023
Finite element simulation of a cross rolling process. J Manuf Process 24: 283–292
M Rout, SK Pal, SB Singh
Flow Stress and Barreling Behavior of Aluminum Alloy Solid Cylinder during Upset Forging at Elevated Temperature
M Rout
Rourkela, India, 2011
Flow Stress and Barreling Behavior of Aluminum Alloy Solid Cylinder during Upset Forging at Elevated Temperature
M Rout
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India, 2011
Fabrication of Micro-Hole in 3D printed CFRP composite by electrical discharge machining process
K Debnath, BC Behera, M Rout, GS Rao
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems 22 (04), 741-752, 2023
Application of Machine Learning in the Machining Processes: Future Perspective Towards Industry 4.0
BC Behera, BR Moharana, M Rout, K Debnath
Intelligent Manufacturing Management Systems: Operational Applications of …, 2023
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