Leda N. Kobziar
Leda N. Kobziar
Professor of Wildland Fire Science
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Fire as a fundamental ecological process: Research advances and frontiers
KK McLauchlan, PE Higuera, J Miesel, BM Rogers, J Schweitzer, ...
Journal of Ecology 108 (5), 2047-2069, 2020
Adapting western North American forests to climate change and wildfires: 10 common questions
SJ Prichard, PF Hessburg, RK Hagmann, NA Povak, SZ Dobrowski, ...
Ecological applications 31 (8), e02433, 2021
Prescribed fire science: the case for a refined research agenda
JK Hiers, JJ O’Brien, JM Varner, BW Butler, M Dickinson, J Furman, ...
Fire Ecology 16, 1-15, 2020
Pyrosilviculture needed for landscape resilience of dry western United States forests
MP North, RA York, BM Collins, MD Hurteau, GM Jones, EE Knapp, ...
Journal of Forestry 119 (5), 520-544, 2021
Perspectives on trends, effectiveness, and impediments to prescribed burning in the southern US
LN Kobziar, D Godwin, L Taylor, AC Watts
Forests 6 (3), 561-580, 2015
Tree mortality patterns following prescribed fires in a mixed conifer forest
L Kobziar, J Moghaddas, SL Stephens
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36 (12), 3222-3238, 2006
Smoldering combustion and ground fires: ecological effects and multi-scale significance
AC Watts, LN Kobziar
Fire Ecology 9, 124-132, 2013
The efficacy of fire and fuels reduction treatments in a Sierra Nevada pine plantation
LN Kobziar, JR McBride, SL Stephens
International Journal of Wildland Fire 18 (7), 791-801, 2009
The myth of the biological threshold: A review of biological responses to soil heating associated with wildland fire
MRA Pingree, LN Kobziar
Forest Ecology and Management 432, 1022-1029, 2019
Pyroaerobiology: the aerosolization and transport of viable microbial life by wildland fire
LN Kobziar, MRA Pingree, H Larson, TJ Dreaden, S Green, JA Smith
Ecosphere 9 (11), e02507, 2018
Reimagine fire science for the anthropocene
JK Shuman, JK Balch, RT Barnes, PE Higuera, CI Roos, DW Schwilk, ...
PNAS nexus 1 (3), pgac115, 2022
Wildfire smoke, a potential infectious agent
LN Kobziar, GR Thompson III
Science 370 (6523), 1408-1410, 2020
Extreme temperature days and their potential impacts on southern Europe
A Cardil, DM Molina, LN Kobziar
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 14 (11), 3005-3014, 2014
Effects of fuel load and moisture content on fire behaviour and heating in masticated litter-dominated fuels
JK Kreye, LN Kobziar, WC Zipperer
International Journal of Wildland Fire 22 (4), 440-445, 2012
Is fire “for the birds”? How two rare species influence fire management across the US
SL Stephens, LN Kobziar, BM Collins, R Davis, PZ Fulé, W Gaines, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17 (7), 391-399, 2019
Wildland fire as an atmospheric source of viable microbial aerosols and biological ice nucleating particles
RA Moore, C Bomar, LN Kobziar, BC Christner
The ISME Journal 15 (2), 461-472, 2021
A critique of the historical‐fire‐regime concept in conservation
J Freeman, L Kobziar, EW Rose, W Cropper
Conservation Biology 31 (5), 976-985, 2017
Can butterflies evade fire? Pupa location and heat tolerance in fire prone habitats of Florida
MD Thom, JC Daniels, LN Kobziar, JR Colburn
PLoS One 10 (5), e0126755, 2015
Wildfire burn patterns and riparian vegetation response along two northern Sierra Nevada streams
LN Kobziar, JR McBride
Forest Ecology and Management 222 (1-3), 254-265, 2006
Challenges to educating the next generation of wildland fire professionals in the United States
LN Kobziar, ME Rocca, CA Dicus, C Hoffman, N Sugihara, AE Thode, ...
Journal of Forestry 107 (7), 339-345, 2009
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