Dr. Bhawna Suri
Dr. Bhawna Suri
Associate Professor, Dept. of CS&E, BPIT, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Application of balancing techniques with ensemble approach for credit card fraud detection
S Taneja, B Suri, C Kothari
2019 International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication …, 2019
A new approach for data classification using Fuzzy logic
S Taneja, B Suri, H Narwal, A Jain, A Kathuria, S Gupta
2016 6th International Conference-Cloud System and Big Data Engineering …, 2016
A fuzzy logic based approach for data classification
S Taneja, B Suri, S Gupta, H Narwal, A Jain, A Kathuria
Data Engineering and Intelligent Computing: Proceedings of IC3T 2016, 605-616, 2018
Cross-platform empirical analysis of mobile application development frameworks: Kotlin, react native and flutter
B Suri, S Taneja, I Bhanot, H Sharma, A Raj
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Management …, 2022
Peering through the fog: an inter-fog communication approach for computing environment
B Suri, S Taneja, H Bhardwaj, P Gupta, U Ahuja
International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications …, 2019
A hybrid fog architecture: Improving the efficiency in IoT-based smart parking systems
B Suri, PKD Pramanik, S Taneja
Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications (Formerly: Recent …, 2021
A sustainable energy efficient IoT-based solution for real-time traffic assistance using fog computing
B Suri, S Taneja, S Kumar, Sumit
Energy conservation solutions for fog-edge computing paradigms, 65-85, 2022
Fake news detection tool (FNDT): Shield against sentimental deception
VRPTF B Suri, S Taneja, S Aggarwal
Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, 2020
An efficient parking solution for shopping malls using hybrid fog architecture
B Suri, PK Dutta Pramanik, S Taneja
International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications …, 2020
Smart threat alert system using IoT
B Suri, S Taneja, N Sahni, A Varshney, A Sharma, R Vidhani
2017 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation …, 2017
Continuous multiple olap queries for data streams
N Parimala, S Bhawna
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems 21 (02), 141-164, 2012
On new roll-up possibilities for data stream warehouse
N Parimala, B Bhawna
Proceedings of the third conference on IASTED International Conference …, 2007
A blockchain based private framework for facilitating digital forensics using IoT
SS Suri, Bhawna, Taneja, Shweta, Sharma, Siddharth, Verma, Vishwajeet ...
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography 26 (5), 1249-1263, 2023
DDYDAS: driver drowsiness, yawn detection and alert system
B Suri, M Verma, K Thapliyal, A Manchanda, A Saini
Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Computing Informatics and …, 2021
Ameliorating software piracy-a block chain based approach
B Suri, S Taneja, H Bhardwaj, E John, A Jain, A Pal
JIMS8I-International Journal of Information Communication and Computing …, 2018
A Novel Customized Crypto Token Based Approach on Blockchain
S Taneja, B Suri, O Dhawan, D Ruhela, K Khatri, M Singh
2023 International Conference on Sustainable Emerging Innovations in …, 2023
PUPC-GANs: A Novel Image Conversion Model using Modified CycleGANs in Healthcare
S Taneja, B Suri, A Kumar, A Chowdhry, H Kumar, K Dwivedi
Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications (Formerly: Recent …, 2023
Exploring the Factors Behind OTC Drug Abuse: A Data-Driven Approach
S Taneja, B Suri, K Gupta, I Gupta, S Kaur
International Conference on Artificial-Business Analytics, Quantum and …, 2023
HearUs: A Cognitive Assistive Tool for People With Visual Impairment
S Taneja, B Suri, N Thakur, M Vaish, R Jain, A Bisht
AI-Assisted Special Education for Students With Exceptional Needs, 222-240, 2023
Atamnirbhar Gaon—An Inhouse Employment Tool for Migrant Workers
B Suri, S Taneja, G Dhingra, A Goyal, B Sharma
International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications …, 2022
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