Henri Leleu, MD, PhD
Henri Leleu, MD, PhD
Public health expertise
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Global prevalence and genotype distribution of hepatitis C virus infection in 2015: a modelling study
S Blach, S Zeuzem, M Manns, I Altraif, AS Duberg, DH Muljono, I Waked, ...
The lancet Gastroenterology & hepatology 2 (3), 161-176, 2017
The burden of liver disease in Europe: a review of available epidemiological data
M Blachier, H Leleu, M Peck-Radosavljevic, DC Valla, F Roudot-Thoraval
Journal of hepatology 58 (3), 593-608, 2013
A stochastic agent-based model of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in France
N Hoertel, M Blachier, C Blanco, M Olfson, M Massetti, MS Rico, ...
Nature medicine 26 (9), 1417-1421, 2020
Poor longitudinal continuity of care is associated with an increased mortality rate among patients with mental disorders: results from the French National Health Insurance …
N Hoertel, F Limosin, H Leleu
European psychiatry 29 (6), 358-364, 2014
Relationship between longitudinal continuity of primary care and likelihood of death: analysis of national insurance data
H Leleu, E Minvielle
PloS one 8 (8), e71669, 2013
Facing the COVID-19 epidemic in NYC: a stochastic agent-based model of various intervention strategies
N Hoertel, M Blachier, C Blanco, M Olfson, M Massetti, F Limosin, H Leleu
MedRxiv, 2020
Main barriers to effective implementation of stroke care pathways in France: a qualitative study
K Gache, H Leleu, G Nitenberg, F Woimant, M Ferrua, E Minvielle
BMC Health Services Research 14, 1-10, 2014
Cost‐effectiveness of sofosbuvir in the treatment of patients with hepatitis C
H Leleu, M Blachier, I Rosa
Journal of viral hepatitis 22 (4), 376-383, 2015
Machine learning versus regression modelling in predicting individual healthcare costs from a representative sample of the nationwide claims database in France
A Vimont, H Leleu, I Durand-Zaleski
The European Journal of Health Economics 23 (2), 211-223, 2022
Epidemiology and disease burden of sickle cell disease in France: a descriptive study based on a French nationwide claim database
H Leleu, JB Arlet, A Habibi, M Etienne-Julan, M Khellaf, Y Adjibi, ...
PLoS One 16 (7), e0253986, 2021
Understanding mortality in multiple myeloma: Findings of a European retrospective chart review
M Mohty, M Cavo, L Fink, S Gonzalez‐McQuire, H Leleu, MV Mateos, ...
European Journal of Haematology 103 (2), 107-115, 2019
Factors associated with the length of stay of patients discharged from emergency department in France
F Capuano, AS Lot, C Sagnes-Raffy, M Ferrua, D Brun-Ney, H Leleu, ...
European Journal of Emergency Medicine 22 (2), 92-98, 2015
Comment les soins primaires peuvent-ils contribuer à réduire les inégalités de santé? Revue de littérature
Y Bourgueil, F Jusot, H Leleu
Questions d'économie de la santé, 2012
Method for developing national quality indicators based on manual data extraction from medical records
M Couralet, H Leleu, F Capuano, L Marcotte, G Nitenberg, C Sicotte, ...
BMJ quality & safety 22 (2), 155-162, 2013
A comprehensive model of predictors of suicide attempt in depressed individuals and effect of treatment-seeking behavior: results from a national 3-year prospective study
N Hoertel, C Blanco, M Olfson, MA Oquendo, MM Wall, S Franco, H Leleu, ...
The Journal of clinical psychiatry 79 (5), 15125, 2018
Cost-effectiveness analysis of alternative colon cancer screening strategies in the context of the French national screening program
S Barré, H Leleu, R Benamouzig, JC Saurin, A Vimont, S Taleb, F De Bels
Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology 13, 1756284820953364, 2020
Organised screening for cervical cancer in France: a cost-effectiveness assessment
S Barré, M Massetti, H Leleu, F De Bels
BMJ open 7 (10), e014626, 2017
Interventions addressing health inequalities in European regions: the AIR project
LR Salmi, S Barsanti, Y Bourgueil, A Daponte, E Piznal, S Ménival, ...
Health Promotion International 32 (3), 430-441, 2017
Suitability of three indicators measuring the quality of coordination within hospitals
E Minvielle, H Leleu, F Capuano, C Grenier, P Loirat, L Degos
BMC Health services research 10, 1-6, 2010
Impact of the timing and adherence to face mask use on the course of the COVID-19 epidemic in France
N Hoertel, M Blachier, M Sánchez-Rico, F Limosin, H Leleu
Journal of travel medicine 28 (2), taab016, 2021
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