Asa Radix
Asa Radix
Callen-Lorde Community Health Center; Columbia University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Standards of care for the health of transgender and gender diverse people, version 8
E Coleman, AE Radix, WP Bouman, GR Brown, ALC De Vries, ...
International journal of transgender health 23 (sup1), S1-S259, 2022
Barriers to healthcare for transgender individuals
JD Safer, E Coleman, J Feldman, R Garofalo, W Hembree, A Radix, ...
Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity 23 (2), 168-171, 2016
Transgender health care: improving medical students’ and residents’ training and awareness
SN Dubin, IT Nolan, CG Streed Jr, RE Greene, AE Radix, SD Morrison
Advances in medical education and practice, 377-391, 2018
Integrated and gender-affirming transgender clinical care and research
SL Reisner, A Radix, MB Deutsch
JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 72, S235-S242, 2016
Guidance and ethical considerations for undertaking transgender health research and institutional review boards adjudicating this research
N Adams, R Pearce, J Veale, A Radix, D Castro, A Sarkar, KC Thom
Transgender health 2 (1), 165-175, 2017
HIV epidemics among transgender women
T Poteat, SL Reisner, A Radix
Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS 9 (2), 168-173, 2014
Advancing methods for US transgender health research
SL Reisner, MB Deutsch, S Bhasin, W Bockting, GR Brown, J Feldman, ...
Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity 23 (2), 198-207, 2016
Assessing and addressing cardiovascular health in people who are transgender and gender diverse: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association
CG Streed Jr, LB Beach, BA Caceres, NL Dowshen, KL Moreau, ...
Circulation 144 (6), e136-e148, 2021
Human monkeypox virus infection in women and non-binary individuals during the 2022 outbreaks: a global case series
JP Thornhill, R Palich, J Ghosn, S Walmsley, D Moschese, CP Cortes, ...
The Lancet 400 (10367), 1953-1965, 2022
Experiences of transgender and gender nonbinary medical students and physicians
OE Dimant, TE Cook, RE Greene, AE Radix
Transgender Health 4 (1), 209-216, 2019
The perioperative care of the transgender patient
LE Tollinche, CB Walters, A Radix, M Long, L Galante, ZG Goldstein, ...
Anesthesia & Analgesia 127 (2), 359-366, 2018
The national LGBT cancer action plan: A white paper of the 2014 national summit on cancer in the LGBT communities
JE Burkhalter, L Margolies, HO Sigurdsson, J Walland, A Radix, D Rice, ...
LGBT health 3 (1), 19-31, 2016
Predictors of PrEP uptake among patients with equivalent access
SA Golub, RA Fikslin, MH Goldberg, SM Peña, A Radix
AIDS and Behavior 23, 1917-1924, 2019
Satisfaction and healthcare utilization of transgender and gender non-conforming individuals in NYC: a community-based participatory study
AE Radix, C Lelutiu-Weinberger, KE Gamarel
LGBT health 1 (4), 302-308, 2014
LGBT cultural competence and interventions to help oncology nurses and other health care providers
A Radix, S Maingi
Seminars in oncology nursing 34 (1), 80-89, 2018
Transgender women, hormonal therapy and HIV treatment: a comprehensive review of the literature and recommendations for best practices
A Radix, J Sevelius, MB Deutsch
Journal of the International AIDS Society 19, 20810, 2016
Implementation and evaluation of a pilot training to improve transgender competency among medical staff in an urban clinic
C Lelutiu-Weinberger, P Pollard-Thomas, W Pagano, N Levitt, EI Lopez, ...
Transgender Health 1 (1), 45-53, 2016
Telaprevir in the treatment of acute hepatitis C virus infection in HIV-infected men
DS Fierer, DT Dieterich, MP Mullen, AD Branch, AJ Uriel, DC Carriero, ...
Clinical infectious diseases 58 (6), 873-879, 2014
Detecting social and behavioral determinants of health with structured and free-text clinical data
DJ Feller, OJB Don't Walk, J Zucker, MT Yin, P Gordon, N Elhadad
Applied clinical informatics 11 (01), 172-181, 2020
Screening yield of HIV antigen/antibody combination and pooled HIV RNA testing for acute HIV infection in a high-prevalence population
PJ Peters, E Westheimer, S Cohen, LB Hightow-Weidman, N Moss, B Tsoi, ...
Jama 315 (7), 682-690, 2016
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