Eva González-Parada
Eva González-Parada
Profesora Titular del Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica de la Universidad de Málaga
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A page-oriented WWW traffic model for wireless system simulations
A Reyes-Lecuona, E González-Parada, E Casilari, JC Casasola, ...
Proceedings ITC 16, 1271-1280, 1999
A PDA-based portable wireless ECG monitor for medical personal area networks
JM Cano-Garcia, E Gonzalez-Parada, V Alarcon-Collantes, ...
MELECON 2006-2006 IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 713-716, 2006
Power characterization of a Bluetooth-based wireless node for ubiquitous computing
PM J-C Cano, J-M Cano, Eva González, Carlos Calafate
Wireless and Mobile Communications, 2006. ICWMC'06. International Conference …, 2006
Experimental analysis and characterization of packet delay in UMTS networks
JM Cano-Garcia, E Gonzalez-Parada, E Casilari
International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networking, 396-407, 2006
Evaluation of the energetic impact of bluetooth low-power modes for ubiquitous computing applications
JC Cano, JM Cano, E González, C Calafate, P Manzoni
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM international workshop on Performance evaluation …, 2006
Aprendizaje cooperativo en el ámbito de la Ingeniería: una experiencia de iniciación al Trabajo en Grupo
IA Herrero Reder, C García Berdonés, E González Parada, ...
REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria 11, 221-251, 2013
Mobile embodied conversational agent for task specific applications
M Santos-Perez, E Gonzalez-Parada, JM Cano-Garcia
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 59 (3), 61o-614, 2013
Evaluation of the trade-off between power consumption and performance in bluetooth based systems
JC Cano, JM Cano, C Calafate, E Gonzalez, P Manzoni
2007 International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications …, 2007
Rule-based vs. behavior-based self-deployment for mobile wireless sensor networks
C Urdiales, F Aguilera, E González-Parada, J Cano-García, F Sandoval
Sensors 16 (7), 1047, 2016
La gestión del conocimiento y la competitividad en las pymes
J Sánchez, P Mayorga, G Vázquez, E González
Guadalajara, México: Editorial Universidad de Guadalajara, 2016
How does energy consumption impact performance in Bluetooth?
JC Cano, JM Cano, E González, C Calafate, P Manzoni
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 35 (3), 7-9, 2007
Topic-dependent language model switching for embedded automatic speech recognition
M Santos-Pérez, E González-Parada, JM Cano-García
Ambient Intelligence-Software and Applications: 3rd International Symposium …, 2012
A social potential fields approach for self-deployment and self-healing in hierarchical mobile wireless sensor networks
E González-Parada, J Cano-García, F Aguilera, F Sandoval, C Urdiales
Sensors 17 (1), 120, 2017
AVATAR: an open source architecture for embodied conversational agents in smart environments
M Santos-Pérez, E González-Parada, JM Cano-García
International Workshop on Ambient Assisted Living, 109-115, 2011
Trade-off Between Power Consumption and Performance in Bluetooth.
JC Cano, JM Cano, CMT Calafate, E González, P Manzoni
Ad Hoc Sens. Wirel. Networks 8 (1-2), 141-159, 2009
An empirical study on the performance of Bluetooth scatternets
JM Cano-García, E Casilari, E González-Parada
2013 9th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing …, 2013
Adaptive autonomy in wireless sensor networks
M Frasheri, J Cano-García, E González-Parada, B Curuklu, M Ekström, ...
19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems …, 2020
A novel testbed for evaluating ROS 2 robot swarm wireless communications
JB Castillo-Sánchez, E González-Parada, JM Cano-García
2024 IEEE 22nd Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON), 68-73, 2024
ECA-based control interface on Android for home automation system
M Santos-Pérez, E González-Parada, JM Cano-García
2013 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 70-71, 2013
Desarrollo e implementación de un conjunto didáctico de circuitos electrónicos básicos con fines educativos
J Calderón-Almendros, D Trujillo-Aguilera, C García-Berdonés, ...
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20