Christopher G. Burton
Christopher G. Burton
Department of Geography, University of Connecticut
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A place-based model for understanding community resilience to natural disasters
SL Cutter, L Barnes, M Berry, C Burton, E Evans, E Tate, J Webb
Global environmental change 18 (4), 598-606, 2008
Disaster resilience indicators for benchmarking baseline conditions
SL Cutter, CG Burton, CT Emrich
Journal of homeland security and emergency management 7 (1), 2010
Social vulnerability to floods: Review of case studies and implications for measurement
S Rufat, E Tate, CG Burton, AS Maroof
International journal of disaster risk reduction 14, 470-486, 2015
A validation of metrics for community resilience to natural hazards and disasters using the recovery from Hurricane Katrina as a case study
CG Burton
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 105 (1), 67-86, 2015
The long road home: Race, class, and recovery from Hurricane Katrina
SL Cutter, CT Emrich, JT Mitchell, BJ Boruff, M Gall, MC Schmidtlein, ...
Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 48 (2), 8-20, 2006
Community variations in social vulnerability to Cascadia-related tsunamis in the US Pacific Northwest
NJ Wood, CG Burton, SL Cutter
Natural hazards 52, 369-389, 2010
Community and regional resilience: Perspectives from hazards, disasters, and emergency management
SL Cutter, L Barnes, M Berry, C Burton, E Evans, E Tate, J Webb
Geography 1 (7), 2301-2306, 2008
Levee failures and social vulnerability in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta area, California
C Burton, SL Cutter
Natural hazards review 9 (3), 136-149, 2008
Social vulnerability and hurricane impact modeling
CG Burton
Natural Hazards Review 11 (2), 58-68, 2010
The development of metrics for community resilience to natural disasters
CG Burton
Social vulnerability
C Burton, S Rufat, E Tate
Vulnerability and resilience to natural hazards 53, 2018
A guide to measuring urban risk resilience: Principles, tools and practice of urban indicators
B Khazai, F Bendimerad, OD Cardona, ML Carreño, AH Barbat, CG Buton
Earthquakes and Megacities Initiative (EMI), The Philippines, 2015
Resilience Performance Scorecard: Measuring urban disaster resilience at multiple levels of geography with case study application to Lalitpur, Nepal
B Khazai, J Anhorn, CG Burton
International journal of disaster risk reduction 31, 604-616, 2018
Evaluating post‐Katrina recovery in Mississippi using repeat photography
C Burton, JT Mitchell, SL Cutter
Disasters 35 (3), 488-509, 2011
Integrated hazards mapping tool
E Tate, CG Burton, M Berry, CT Emrich, SL Cutter
Transactions in GIS 15 (5), 689-706, 2011
Assessing Integrated Earthquake Risk in OpenQuake with an Application to Mainland Portugal
CG Burton, V Silva
Earthquake Spectra 32 (3), 1383-1403, 2016
Using resilience indicators in the prediction of earthquake recovery
V Despotaki, L Sousa, CG Burton
Earthquake Spectra 34 (1), 265-282, 2018
Integrated risk modelling within the Global Earthquake Model (GEM): test case application for Portugal
C Burton, V Silva, B Khazai
Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and …, 2014
Baseline indicators for disaster resilient communities
SL Cutter, CT Emrich, CG Burton
CARRI workshop, 2010
Validation and development of composite indices for measuring vulnerability to earthquakes using a socio-economic perspective
CG Burton, M Toquica, KMB Asad, M Musori
Natural Hazards 111 (2), 1301-1334, 2022
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