Zhi Feng
Secure Cooperative Event-Triggered Control of Linear Multiagent Systems Under DoS Attacks
Z Feng, G Hu
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2019
Distributed secure cooperative control under denial-of-service attacks from multiple adversaries
W Xu, G Hu, DWC Ho, Z Feng
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 50 (8), 3458-3467, 2019
Distributed consensus tracking for multi‐agent systems under two types of attacks
Z Feng, G Hu, G Wen
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 26 (5), 896-918, 2016
Distributed secure coordinated control for multiagent systems under strategic attacks
Z Feng, G Wen, G Hu
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 47 (5), 1273-1284, 2017
An overview of collaborative robotic manipulation in multi-robot systems
Z Feng, G Hu, Y Sun, J Soon
Annual Reviews in Control, 2020
Passivity and passification for a class of uncertain switched stochastic time-delay systems
J Lian, Z Feng, P Shi
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 43 (1), 3-13, 2013
Finite-time distributed convex optimization for continuous-time multi-agent systems with disturbance rejection
Z Feng, G Hu, CG Cassandras
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 1-13, 2019
Observer design for switched recurrent neural networks: an average dwell time approach
J Lian, Z Feng, P Shi
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 22 (10), 1547-1556, 2011
Distributed coordination of multiple unknown Euler-Lagrange systems
Z Feng, G Hu, W Ren, WE Dixon, J Mei
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 5 (1), 55-66, 2016
Robust Connectivity Preserving Rendezvous of Multi-robot Systems Under Unknown Dynamics and Disturbances
Z. Feng, C. Sun, G. Hu
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 2016
Distributed secure average consensus for linear multi-agent systems under DoS attacks
Z Feng, G Hu
2017 American control conference (ACC), 2261-2266, 2017
Time-varying optimization-based approach for distributed formation of uncertain Euler–Lagrange systems
C Sun, Z Feng, G Hu
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 52 (7), 5984-5998, 2021
Connectivity-preserving flocking for networked Lagranged systems under time-varying actuator faults
Z Feng, G Hu
Automatica, 2019
Distributed continuous-time resource allocation with time-varying resources under quadratic cost functions
L Bai, C Sun, Z Feng, G Hu
2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 823-828, 2018
Finite-time distributed optimization with quadratic objective functions under uncertain information
Z Feng, G Hu
Decision and Control (CDC), 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on, 208-213, 2017
Distributed secure leader-following consensus of multi-agent systems under DoS attacks and directed topology
Z Feng, G Hu
2017 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA), 73-79, 2017
Distributed tracking control for multi-agent systems under two types of attacks
Z Feng, G Hu
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 5790-5795, 2014
Adaptively distributed Nash equilibrium seeking of noncooperative games for uncertain heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems
Z Feng, G Hu, X Dong, J Lü
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 10 (6), 3871-3882, 2023
Finite-time task-space coordinated tracking of networked robotic manipulators with uncertain dynamics and disturbances
Z Feng, G Hu, Y Sun, JBW Soon
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 8 (3), 1513-1527, 2021
Discrete-time adaptive distributed output observer for time-varying formation tracking of heterogeneous multi-agent systems
Z Feng, G Hu, X Dong, J Lü
Automatica 160, 111400, 2024
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