Haimeng Liu
Haimeng Liu
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
The effect of natural and anthropogenic factors on haze pollution in Chinese cities: A spatial econometrics approach
H Liu, C Fang, X Zhang, Z Wang, C Bao, F Li
Journal of cleaner production 165, 323-333, 2017
International progress and evaluation on interactive coupling effects between urbanization and the eco-environment
C Fang, H Liu, G Li
Journal of Geographical Sciences 26, 1081-1116, 2016
Assessing sustainability of urbanization by a coordinated development index for an Urbanization-Resources-Environment complex system: A case study of Jing-Jin-Ji region, China
X Cui, C Fang, H Liu, X Liu
Ecological Indicators 96, 383-391, 2019
Modeling regional sustainable development scenarios using the Urbanization and Eco-environment Coupler: Case study of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration, China
C Fang, X Cui, G Li, C Bao, Z Wang, H Ma, S Sun, H Liu, K Luo, Y Ren
Science of the Total Environment 689, 820-830, 2019
Estimating the impact of urbanization on air quality in China using spatial regression models
C Fang, H Liu, G Li, D Sun, Z Miao
Sustainability 7 (11), 15570-15592, 2015
The coupling curve between urbanization and the eco-environment: China’s urban agglomeration as a case study
C Fang, H Liu, S Wang
Ecological Indicators 130, 108107, 2021
Exploring the causal relationship between urbanization and air pollution: Evidence from China
H Liu, W Cui, M Zhang
Sustainable Cities and Society 80, 103783, 2022
Evaluating urban ecosystem resilience using the DPSIR framework and the ENA model: A case study of 35 cities in China
R Zhao, C Fang, H Liu, X Liu
Sustainable Cities and Society 72, 102997, 2021
How does urbanization influence PM2. 5 concentrations? Perspective of spillover effect of multi-dimensional urbanization impact
Y Du, Q Wan, H Liu, H Liu, K Kapsar, J Peng
Journal of Cleaner Production 220, 974-983, 2019
Global action on SDGs: Policy review and outlook in a post-pandemic era
Y Cheng, H Liu, S Wang, X Cui, Q Li
Sustainability 13 (11), 6461, 2021
Spatio-temporal evolution of population and urbanization in the countries along the Belt and Road 1950–2050
H Liu, C Fang, Y Miao, H Ma, Q Zhang, Q Zhou
Journal of Geographical Sciences 28, 919-936, 2018
The spatial-temporal characteristics and influencing factors of air pollution in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration
L Haimeng, F Chuanglin, H Jiejun, Z Xiangdong, Z Yi, W Zhenbo, Z Qiang
Acta Geographica Sinica 73 (1), 177-191, 2018
Big data analysis on the spatial networks of urban agglomeration
C Fang, X Yu, X Zhang, J Fang, H Liu
Cities 102, 102735, 2020
How does digitalization drive carbon emissions? The inverted U-shaped effect in China
R Zheng, G Wu, Y Cheng, H Liu, Y Wang, X Wang
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 102, 107203, 2023
The spatial threshold effect and its regional boundary of financial agglomeration on green development: A case study in China
H Yuan, Y Feng, J Lee, H Liu, R Li
Journal of Cleaner Production 244, 118670, 2020
New-type urbanization in China: Predicted trends and investment demand for 2015–2030
D Sun, L Zhou, Y Li, H Liu, X Shen, Z Wang, X Wang
Journal of Geographical Sciences 27, 943-966, 2017
How can national ETS affect carbon emissions and abatement costs? Evidence from the dual goals proposed by China's NDCs
K Fang, Q Zhang, J Song, C Yu, H Zhang, H Liu
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 171, 105638, 2021
Conflict or Coordination? measuring the relationships between urbanization and vegetation cover in China
T Zhou, H Liu, P Gou, N Xu
Ecological Indicators 147, 109993, 2023
Coupled Human and Natural Cube: A novel framework for analyzing the multiple interactions between humans and nature
H Liu, C Fang, K Fang
Journal of Geographical Sciences 30, 355-377, 2020
赵瑞东, 方创琳, 刘海猛
地理科学进展 39 (10), 1717-1731, 2020
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