Francesco Colao
Francesco Colao
Researcher ENEA
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A comparison of single and double pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of aluminum samples
F Colao, V Lazic, R Fantoni, S Pershin
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 57 (7), 1167-1179, 2002
Determination of heavy metals in soils by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
F Capitelli, F Colao, MR Provenzano, R Fantoni, G Brunetti, N Senesi
Geoderma 106 (1-2), 45-62, 2002
Self-absorption model in quantitative laser induced breakdown spectroscopy measurements on soils and sediments
V Lazic, R Barbini, F Colao, R Fantoni, A Palucci
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 56 (6), 807-820, 2001
Investigation of LIBS feasibility for in situ planetary exploration: an analysis on Martian rock analogues
F Colao, R Fantoni, V Lazic, A Paolini, F Fabbri, GG Ori, L Marinangeli, ...
Planetary and Space Science 52 (1-3), 117-123, 2004
Spatial confinement of laser-induced plasma to enhance LIBS sensitivity for trace elements determination in soils
AM Popov, F Colao, R Fantoni
Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 25 (6), 837-848, 2010
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for semi-quantitative and quantitative analyses of artworks—application on multi-layered ceramics and copper based alloys
F Colao, R Fantoni, V Lazic, V Spizzichino
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 57 (7), 1219-1234, 2002
Trace pollutants analysis in soil by a time-resolved laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy technique
A Ciucci, V Palleschi, S Rastelli, R Barbini, F Colao, R Fantoni, A Palucci, ...
Applied Physics B 63, 185-190, 1996
Quantitative laser induced breakdown spectroscopy analysis of ancient marbles and corrections for the variability of plasma parameters and of ablation rate
V Lazic, R Fantoni, F Colao, A Santagata, A Morone, V Spizzichino
Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 19 (4), 429-436, 2004
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy in water: improvement of the detection threshold by signal processing
V Lazic, F Colao, R Fantoni, V Spizzicchino
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 60 (7-8), 1002-1013, 2005
Methodologies for laboratory laser induced breakdown spectroscopy semi-quantitative and quantitative analysis—a review
R Fantoni, L Caneve, F Colao, L Fornarini, V Lazic, V Spizzichino
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 63 (10), 1097-1108, 2008
Plasma–wall interaction studies within the EUROfusion consortium: progress on plasma-facing components development and qualification
S Brezinsek, JW Coenen, T Schwarz-Selinger, K Schmid, A Kirschner, ...
Nuclear fusion 57 (11), 116041, 2017
Double pulse laser produced plasma on metallic target in seawater: basic aspects and analytical approach
A De Giacomo, M Dell'Aglio, F Colao, R Fantoni
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 59 (9), 1431-1438, 2004
Recognition of archeological materials underwater by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
V Lazic, F Colao, R Fantoni, V Spizzicchino
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 60 (7-8), 1014-1024, 2005
Development of laser-based techniques for in situ characterization of the first wall in ITER and future fusion devices
V Philipps, A Malaquias, A Hakola, J Karhunen, G Maddaluno, ...
Nuclear fusion 53 (9), 093002, 2013
Double-pulse LIBS in bulk water and on submerged bronze samples
A De Giacomo, M Dell’Aglio, F Colao, R Fantoni, V Lazic
Applied surface science 247 (1-4), 157-162, 2005
Calibration analysis of bronze samples by nanosecond laser induced breakdown spectroscopy: a theoretical and experimental approach
L Fornarini, F Colao, R Fantoni, V Lazic, V Spizzicchino
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 60 (7-8), 1186-1201, 2005
Enhancement of LIBS signal by spatially confining the laser-induced plasma
AM Popov, F Colao, R Fantoni
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 24 (5), 602-604, 2009
DTT divertor tokamak test facility–Interim design report
R Martone, R Albanese, F Crisanti, P Martin, A Pizzuto
ENEA, 2019
On board LIBS analysis of marine sediments collected during the XVI Italian campaign in Antarctica
R Barbini, F Colao, V Lazic, R Fantoni, A Palucci, M Angelone
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 57 (7), 1203-1218, 2002
Application of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy to the analysis of metals in soils
R Barbini, F Colao, R Fantoni, A Palucci, F Capitelli
Applied Physics A 69, S175-S178, 1999
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