Chris Hand
Chris Hand
Kingston Business School
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Online grocery shopping: the influence of situational factors
C Hand, F Dall'Olmo Riley, P Harris, J Singh, R Rettie
European journal of Marketing 43 (9/10), 1205-1219, 2009
Internet advertising effectiveness: the effect of design on click-through rates for banner ads
H Robinson, A Wysocka, C Hand
International Journal of Advertising 26 (4), 527-541, 2007
Online and store patronage: a typology of grocery shoppers
P Harris, F Dall’Olmo Riley, D Riley, C Hand
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 45 (4), 419-445, 2017
Searching for the picture: forecasting UK cinema admissions using Google Trends data
C Hand, G Judge
Applied Economics Letters 19 (11), 1051-1055, 2012
What makes a blockbuster? Economic analysis of film success in the United Kingdom
A Collins, C Hand, MC Snell
Managerial and Decision Economics 23 (6), 343-354, 2002
What specific modes of internationalization influence SME innovation in Sub-Saharan least developed countries (LDCs)?
YA Abubakar, C Hand, D Smallbone, G Saridakis
Technovation 79, 56-70, 2019
Understanding multichannel shopper journey configuration: An application of goal theory
P Harris, FDO Riley, C Hand
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 44, 108-117, 2018
How compulsive use of social media affects performance: insights from the UK by purpose of use
V Benson, C Hand, R Hartshorne
Behaviour & Information Technology 38 (6), 549-563, 2019
Do the arts make you happy? A quantile regression approach
C Hand
Journal of Cultural Economics 42 (2), 271-286, 2018
The time factor in re-branding organizations: its effects on staff knowledge, attitudes and behaviour in UK charities
P Hankinson, W Lomax, C Hand
Journal of Product & Brand Management 16 (4), 236-246, 2007
The distribution and predictability of cinema admissions
C Hand
Journal of Cultural Economics 26 (1), 53-64, 2002
An empirical study of purchase behaviour on social platforms: The role of risk, beliefs and characteristics
V Benson, JN Ezingeard, C Hand
Information Technology & People, 2018
Do arts audiences act like consumers?
C Hand
Managing Leisure 16 (2), 88-97, 2011
Increasing returns to information: further evidence from the UK film market
C Hand
Applied Economics Letters 8 (6), 419-421, 2001
Evaluating brand extensions, fit perceptions and post-extension brand image: does size matter?
F Dall’Olmo Riley, C Hand, F Guido
Journal of Marketing Management 30 (9-10), 904-924, 2014
Evaluating the impact of categorical data encoding and scaling on neural network classification performance: the case of repeat consumption of identical cultural goods
E Fitkov-Norris, S Vahid, C Hand
International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, 343-352, 2012
Analyzing moviegoing demand: an individual‐level cross‐sectional approach
A Collins, C Hand
Managerial and Decision Economics 26 (5), 319-330, 2005
Founders’ social identity and entrepreneurial self-efficacy amongst nascent entrepreneurs: A configurational perspective
C Hand, M Iskandarova, R Blackburn
Journal of Business Venturing Insights 13, 2020
The lure of the multiplex? The interplay of time, distance, and cinema attendance
A Collins, C Hand, A Ryder
Environment and Planning A 37 (3), 483-501, 2005
Analyzing repeat consumption of identical cultural goods: some exploratory evidence from moviegoing
A Collins, C Hand, M Linnell
Journal of Cultural Economics 32 (3), 187-199, 2008
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