Prof. Raj Kishore Sharma
Prof. Raj Kishore Sharma
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Manganese oxide embedded polypyrrole nanocomposites for electrochemical supercapacitor
RK Sharma, AC Rastogi, SB Desu
Electrochimica Acta 53 (26), 7690-7695, 2008
Pulse polymerized polypyrrole electrodes for high energy density electrochemical supercapacitor
RK Sharma, AC Rastogi, SB Desu
Electrochemistry Communications 10 (2), 268-272, 2008
Morphology Controlled Synthesis of Nanoporous Co3O4 Nanostructures and Their Charge Storage Characteristics in Supercapacitors
K Deori, SK Ujjain, RK Sharma, S Deka
ACS applied materials & interfaces 5 (21), 10665-10672, 2013
Heavily nitrogen doped, graphene supercapacitor from silk cocoon
V Sahu, S Grover, B Tulachan, M Sharma, G Srivastava, M Roy, ...
Electrochimica Acta 160, 244-253, 2015
Seed treatment with iron pyrite (FeS 2) nanoparticles increases the production of spinach
G Srivastava, CK Das, A Das, SK Singh, M Roy, H Kim, N Sethy, A Kumar, ...
rsc advances 4 (102), 58495-58504, 2014
Multiwall carbon nanotube supported poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/manganese oxide nano-composite electrode for super-capacitors
RK Sharma, L Zhai
Electrochimica Acta 54 (27), 7148-7155, 2009
Carbon-supported, nano-structured, manganese oxide composite electrode for electrochemical supercapacitor
RK Sharma, HS Oh, YG Shul, H Kim
Journal of Power Sources 173 (2), 1024-1028, 2007
Ultrahigh performance supercapacitor from lacey reduced graphene oxide nanoribbons
V Sahu, S Shekhar, RK Sharma, G Singh
ACS applied materials & interfaces 7 (5), 3110-3116, 2015
Fabrication of a Mo‐doped strontium cobaltite perovskite hybrid supercapacitor cell with high energy density and excellent cycling life
AK Tomar, G Singh, RK Sharma
ChemSusChem 11 (23), 4123-4130, 2018
Biocompatible ZrO2-reduced graphene oxide immobilized AChE biosensor for chlorpyrifos detection
NK Mogha, V Sahu, M Sharma, RK Sharma, DT Masram
Materials & Design 111, 312-320, 2016
Multiwall carbon nanotube-poly (4-styrenesulfonic acid) supported polypyrrole/manganese oxide nano-composites for high performance electrochemical electrodes
RK Sharma, A Karakoti, S Seal, L Zhai
Journal of Power Sources 195 (4), 1256-1262, 2010
Performance evaluation of Asymmetric Supercapacitor based on Cobalt manganite modified graphene nanoribbons
P Ahuja, V Sahu, SK Ujjain, RK Sharma, G Singh
Electrochimica Acta 146, 429-436, 2014
Electricity from the silk cocoon membrane
B Tulachan, SK Meena, RK Rai, C Mallick, TS Kusurkar, AK Teotia, ...
Scientific reports 4 (1), 5434, 2014
Zinc oxide nanoring embedded lacey graphene nanoribbons in symmetric/asymmetric electrochemical capacitive energy storage
V Sahu, S Goel, RK Sharma, G Singh
Nanoscale 7 (48), 20642-20651, 2015
Co3O4@ reduced graphene oxide nanoribbon for high performance asymmetric supercapacitor
SK Ujjain, G Singh, RK Sharma
Electrochimica Acta 169, 276-282, 2015
Charge storage characteristics of mesoporous strontium titanate perovskite aqueous as well as flexible solid-state supercapacitor cell
AK Tomar, G Singh, RK Sharma
Journal of Power Sources 426, 223-232, 2019
High performance, all solid state, flexible supercapacitor based on ionic liquid functionalized graphene
SK Ujjain, V Sahu, RK Sharma, G Singh
Electrochimica Acta 157, 245-251, 2015
Graphene nanoribbon wrapped cobalt manganite nanocubes for high performance all-solid-state flexible supercapacitors
SK Ujjain, P Ahuja, RK Sharma
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3 (18), 9925-9931, 2015
Growth of CdS and CdTe thin films for the fabrication of n-CdS/p-CdTe solar cell
RK Sharma, K Jain, AC Rastogi
Current Applied Physics 3 (2-3), 199-204, 2003
Preparation of Pt/zeolite–Nafion composite membranes for self-humidifying polymer electrolyte fuel cells
DH Son, RK Sharma, YG Shul, H Kim
Journal of power sources 165 (2), 733-738, 2007
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