Dr.Nabendu Sen
Dr.Nabendu Sen
Professor, Department of Mathematics ,Assam University Silchar
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
An inventory model for deteriorating items with time and price dependent demand and shortages under the effect of inflation
S Saha, N Sen
International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research 14 (3), 377-388, 2019
Goal programming, its application in management sectors–special attention into plantation management: a review
N Sen, M Nandi
International journal of scientific and research publications 2 (9), 1-6, 2012
A study of transportation problem for an essential item of southern part of north eastern region of India as an OR model and use of object oriented programming
N Sen, T Som, B Sinha
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 10 (4), 78-86, 2010
An inventory model for deteriorating items with time dependent holding cost and shortages under permissible delay in payment
N Sen, S Saha
International Journal of Procurement Management 11 (4), 518-531, 2018
A study on inventory model with negative exponential demand and probabilistic deterioration under backlogging
S Saha, N Sen
Uncertain supply chain management 5 (2), 77-88, 2017
Goal programming approach to tea industry of Barak Valley of Assam
B Sinha, N Sen
Applied Mathematical Sciences 5 (29), 1409-1419, 2011
A Goal Programming Approach to Rubber
N Sen, M Nandi
Applied Mathematical Sciences 6 (124), 6171-6179, 2012
A fuzzy inventory model with shortages using different fuzzy numbers
N Sen, S Malakar
American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 5 (5), 238-248, 2015
A partially backlogged two-warehouse EOQ model with non-instantaneous deteriorating items, price and time dependent demand and preservation technology using interval number
BK Nath, N Sen
International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research 20 (2), 149-181, 2021
A sustainable production inventory model for profit maximization under optimum raw material input rate during production
N Bhattacharjee, N Sen
Opsearch 59 (2), 667-693, 2022
Inventory Model with Ramp-type Demand and Price Discount on Back Order for Deteriorating Items under Partial Backlogging
BKN Nabendu Sen,Sumit Saha
Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM) 13 (1 …, 2018
A fuzzy inventory model for deteriorating items based on different defuzzification techniques
N Sen, BK Nath, S Saha
Am. J. Math. Stat 6 (3), 128-137, 2016
A completely backlogged two-warehouse inventory model for non-instantaneous deteriorating items with time and selling price dependent demand
BK Nath, N Sen
International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 7 (4), 145, 2021
Inventory model for deteriorating items with negative exponential demand, probabilistic deterioration and fuzzy lead time under partial back logging
NSS Saha
Operations Research and Decisions 30 (3), 97-112, 2020
An inventory model to study partial replacement policy and finite shelf life for deteriorating items with carbon tax
S Malakar, N Sen
International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research 24 (2), 286-299, 2023
A goal programming approach to rubber-tea intercropping management in Tripura
N Sen, M Nandi
Asian Journal of Management Research 3 (1), 178-183, 2012
An application of integer linear programming problem in tea industry of barak valley of Assam, India under crisp and fuzzy environments
N Sen, L Sahoo, AK Bhunia
Journal of Information and Computing Science 9 (2), 132-140, 2014
An optimal model using goal programming for rubber wood door manufacturing factory in Tripura
N Sen, M Nandi
Mathematical Theory and Modeling 2 (8), 31-36, 2012
An inventory model for deteriorating items with imperfect quality under advance payment policy
BK Nath, N Sen
Operations Research and Decisions 31, 2021
An application of extended elitist non-dominated sorting Genetic Algorithm in multi-objective linear programming problem of tea industry with interval objectives
NS Asoke Kumar Bhunia,Amiya Biswas
Uncertain Supply Chain Management 2, 2014
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