Pei-Chun Lin
Pei-Chun Lin
Professor of Transportation and Communication Management Science, National Cheng Kung University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
The influence factors on choice behavior regarding green products based on the theory of consumption values
PC Lin, YH Huang
Journal of Cleaner production 22 (1), 11-18, 2012
A modified ant colony optimization algorithm for multi-item inventory routing problems with demand uncertainty
SH Huang, PC Lin
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 46 (5 …, 2010
The effects of dynamic capabilities, service capabilities, competitive advantage, and organizational performance in container shipping
SY Kuo, PC Lin, CS Lu
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 95, 356-371, 2017
Managing tourism emissions through optimizing the tourism demand mix: Concept and analysis
YY Sun, PC Lin, J Higham
Tourism management 81, 104161, 2020
Determination of price and warranty length for a normal lifetime distributed product
CC Wu, PC Lin, CY Chou
International Journal of Production Economics 102 (1), 95-107, 2006
Vehicle routing–scheduling for municipal waste collection system under the “Keep Trash off the Ground” policy
SH Huang, PC Lin
Omega 55, 24-37, 2015
Applying spatial-temporal analysis and retail location theory to public bikes site selection in Taipei
J Wang, CH Tsai, PC Lin
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 94, 45-61, 2016
Dispatching ready mixed concrete trucks under demand postponement and weight limit regulation
PC Lin, J Wang, SH Huang, YT Wang
Automation in construction 19 (6), 798-807, 2010
Application of optimal control theory to product pricing and warranty with free replacement under the influence of basic lifetime distributions
PC Lin, LY Shue
Computers & Industrial Engineering 48 (1), 69-82, 2005
Measures of partial knowledge and unexpected responses in multiple-choice tests.
SH Chang, PC Lin, ZC Lin
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 10 (4), 95-109, 2007
How supermarket chains in Taiwan select suppliers of fresh fruit and vegetables via direct purchasing
PC Lin, LS Wu
The Service Industries Journal 31 (8), 1237-1255, 2011
The influence of bus and taxi drivers’ public self-consciousness and social anxiety on aberrant driving behaviors
YW Huang, PC Lin, J Wang
Accident Analysis & Prevention 117, 145-153, 2018
Determinants of green performance in container terminal operations: A lean management
SY Kuo, PC Lin
Journal of Cleaner Production 275, 123105, 2020
The effects of gender differences on the usability of automotive on-board navigation systems–A comparison of 2D and 3D display
PC Lin, SI Chen
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 19, 40-51, 2013
Buying impulse triggered by digital media
PC Lin, ZH Lin
The Service Industries Journal 33 (9-10), 892-908, 2013
Applying the theory of consumption values to choice behavior toward green products
P Lin, Y Huang, J Wang
2010 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation & Technology …, 2010
A harmony-genetic based heuristic approach toward economic dispatching combined heat and power
SH Huang, PC Lin
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 53, 482-487, 2013
The impact of loyalty and promotion effects on retention rate
HY Tsao, PC Lin, L Pitt, C Campbell
Journal of the operational research society 60 (5), 646-651, 2009
Dynamic optimisation of price, warranty length and production rate
PC Lin, J Wang, SS Chin
International Journal of Systems Science 40 (4), 411-420, 2009
Identification of significant threats and errors affecting aviation safety in Taiwan using the analytical hierarchy process
CC Chen, J Chen, PC Lin
Journal of Air Transport Management 15 (5), 261-263, 2009
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