Shamshad Husain
Shamshad Husain
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Analytical optical soliton solutions of the Schrödinger-Poisson dynamical system
M Younis, AR Seadawy, MZ Baber, S Husain, MS Iqbal, STR Rizvi, ...
Results in Physics 27, 104369, 2021
Safety and efficacy of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce ileus after colorectal surgery
Journal of British Surgery 107 (2), e161-e169, 2020
A new subfamily, a new subgenus and eight new species of nematodes from India belonging to superfamiiy Tylenchoidea
SI Husain, AM Khan
Proceedings of the helminthological Society of Washington 34, 175-186, 1967
On the status of the genera of the superfamily Aphelenchoidea (Fuchs, 1937) Thorne, 1949 with the descriptions of six new species of nematodes from India.
SI Husain, AM Khan
a potent herb of Unani medicine: A review
MA Khan, A Alam, S Husain, S Ahmed, M Nazamuddin, ZQ Ahmed
Int J Curr Pharm Res 5 (4), 1-4, 2013
Safety of hospital discharge before return of bowel function after elective colorectal surgery
Journal of British Surgery 107 (5), 552-559, 2020
A study of properties of soft set and its applications
S Husain, K Shivani
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology 5 (1), 363-372, 2018
Graph convergence for the -mixed mappingwith an application for solving the system of generalized variationalinclusions
S Husain, S Gupta, VN Mishra
Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2013, 1-21, 2013
A resolvent operator technique for solving generalized system of nonlinear relaxed cocoercive mixed variational inequalities
S Husain, S Gupta
Adv. Fixed Point Theory 2 (1), 18-28, 2012
Abutilon indicum seed oil—characterisation of Hbr‐reactive acids
M Babu, S Husain, MU Ahmad, SM Osman
Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel 82 (2), 63-66, 1980
Generalized H(·, ·, ·)‐η‐Cocoercive Operators and Generalized Set‐Valued Variational‐Like Inclusions
S Husain, S Gupta, VN Mishra
Journal of Mathematics 2013 (1), 738491, 2013
Effect of age of papaya seedlings on the development of disease complex caused by Meloidogyne incognita and Fusarium solani
TA Khan, SA Husain
Nematologia Mediterranea, 327-329, 1991
Four new tylenchid nematodes from North India.
SI Husain, AM Khan
Variational inclusion governed by αβ-H ((.,.),(.,.))-mixed accretive mapping
S Gupta, S Husain, VN Mishra
Filomat 31 (20), 6529-6542, 2017
An existence theorem of solutions for the system of generalized vector quasi-variational-like inequalities
S Husain, S Gupta, VN Mishra
American Journal of Operations Research 3 (3), 329-336, 2013
Existence of solutions for generalized nonlinear vector quasi-variational-like inequalities with set-valued mappings
S Husain, S Gupta
Filomat 26 (5), 909-916, 2012
Kabab Chini (Piper cubeba) & its healing corollary in unani medicine: an overview
MD Alam, A Shamim, S Husain, H Bano, Z Ahmed, A Azeez
Am J Pharmacy Health Res 1, 2013, 2013
H((·, ·), (·, ·))‐Mixed Cocoercive Operators with an Application for Solving Variational Inclusions in Hilbert Spaces
S Husain, S Gupta
Journal of Function Spaces 2013 (1), 378364, 2013
Mathematical simulation of Cochannel Interference Ratio for the Omni Directional Antenna in Mobile Computing
MQ Rafiq, M Chauhan, S Kumar, S Husain
NCAICT, CSI Allahabad chapter, India, 15-16, 2008
A new genus and two new species of nematodes from India belonging to the family Dorylaimidae with an amendation of the subfamily Nordianae.
SI Husain, AM Khan
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