Stephen K. Dolan
Transcriptomics technologies
R Lowe, N Shirley, M Bleackley, S Dolan, T Shafee
PLoS computational biology 13 (5), e1005457, 2017
The glyoxylate shunt, 60 years on
SK Dolan, M Welch
Annual review of microbiology 72 (1), 309-330, 2018
Resistance is not futile: gliotoxin biosynthesis, functionality and utility
SK Dolan, G O’Keeffe, GW Jones, S Doyle
Trends in microbiology 23 (7), 419-428, 2015
Regulation of nonribosomal peptide synthesis: bis-thiomethylation attenuates gliotoxin biosynthesis in Aspergillus fumigatus
SK Dolan, RA Owens, G O’Keeffe, S Hammel, DA Fitzpatrick, GW Jones, ...
Chemistry & biology 21 (8), 999-1012, 2014
Contextual flexibility in Pseudomonas aeruginosa central carbon metabolism during growth in single carbon sources
SK Dolan, M Kohlstedt, S Trigg, P Vallejo Ramirez, CF Kaminski, ...
MBio 11 (2), 10.1128/mbio. 02684-19, 2020
Loving the poison: the methylcitrate cycle and bacterial pathogenesis
SK Dolan, A Wijaya, SM Geddis, DR Spring, R Silva-Rocha, M Welch
Microbiology 164 (3), 251-259, 2018
The Aspergillus fumigatus protein GliK protects against oxidative stress and is essential for gliotoxin biosynthesis
L Gallagher, RA Owens, SK Dolan, G O'Keeffe, M Schrettl, K Kavanagh, ...
Eukaryotic Cell 11 (10), 1226-1238, 2012
A Pseudomonas aeruginosa small RNA regulates chronic and acute infection
P Cao, D Fleming, DA Moustafa, SK Dolan, KH Szymanik, WK Redman, ...
Nature 618 (7964), 358-364, 2023
Gluconeogenic precursor availability regulates flux through the glyoxylate shunt in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
A Crousilles, SK Dolan, P Brear, DY Chirgadze, M Welch
Journal of Biological Chemistry 293 (37), 14260-14269, 2018
Interplay between gliotoxin resistance, secretion, and the methyl/methionine cycle in Aspergillus fumigatus
RA Owens, G O'Keeffe, EB Smith, SK Dolan, S Hammel, KJ Sheridan, ...
Eukaryotic cell 14 (9), 941-957, 2015
Oosporein, an abundant metabolite in Beauveria caledonica, with a feedback induction mechanism and a role in insect virulence
L Mc Namara, SK Dolan, JMD Walsh, JC Stephens, TR Glare, ...
Fungal biology 123 (8), 601-610, 2019
Structural, mechanistic and functional insight into gliotoxin bis-thiomethylation in Aspergillus fumigatus
SK Dolan, T Bock, V Hering, RA Owens, GW Jones, W Blankenfeldt, ...
Open biology 7 (2), 160292, 2017
The Aspergillus fumigatus SchASCH9 kinase modulates SakAHOG1 MAP kinase activity and it is essential for virulence
P Alves de Castro, TF Dos Reis, SK Dolan, A Oliveira Manfiolli, NA Brown, ...
Molecular Microbiology 102 (4), 642-671, 2016
Endogenous cross-talk of fungal metabolites
KJ Sheridan, SK Dolan, S Doyle
Frontiers in Microbiology 5, 732, 2015
Aspergillus fumigatus protein phosphatase PpzA is involved in iron assimilation, secondary metabolite production, and virulence
AO Manfiolli, PA de Castro, TF Dos Reis, S Dolan, S Doyle, G Jones, ...
Cellular microbiology 19 (12), e12770, 2017
Systematic Global Analysis of Genes Encoding Protein Phosphatases in Aspergillus fumigatus
LK Winkelströter, SK Dolan, T Fernanda dos Reis, VLP Bom, ...
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 5 (7), 1525-1539, 2015
Current knowledge and future directions in developing strategies to combat Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection
SK Dolan
Journal of Molecular Biology 432 (20), 5509-5528, 2020
Purification and characterisation of a quorum quenching AHL-lactonase from the endophytic bacterium Enterobacter sp. CS66
RP Shastry, SK Dolan, Y Abdelhamid, RR Vittal, M Welch
FEMS Microbiology Letters 365 (9), fny054, 2018
The iron-responsive microsomal proteome of Aspergillus fumigatus
NM Moloney, RA Owens, P Meleady, M Henry, SK Dolan, E Mulvihill, ...
Journal of Proteomics 136, 99-111, 2016
Biomarkers for invasive aspergillosis: the challenges continue
G Johnson, A Ferrini, SK Dolan, T Nolan, S Agrawal, S Doyle, SA Bustin
Biomarkers in Medicine 8 (3), 429-451, 2014
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