Università di Pisa, Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie alimentari e Agro-ambientali
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Antennas and propagation for on-body communication systems
PS Hall, Y Hao, YI Nechayev, A Alomainy, CC Constantinou, C Parini, ...
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 49 (3), 41-58, 2007
Invited review: Plant polyphenols and rumen microbiota responsible for fatty acid biohydrogenation, fiber digestion, and methane emission: Experimental evidence and …
V Vasta, M Daghio, A Cappucci, A Buccioni, A Serra, C Viti, M Mele
Journal of Dairy Science 102 (5), 3781-3804, 2019
Metabolic fate of fatty acids involved in ruminal biohydrogenation in sheep fed concentrate or herbage with or without tannins
V Vasta, M Mele, A Serra, M Scerra, G Luciano, M Lanza, A Priolo
Journal of animal science 87 (8), 2674-2684, 2009
Bacterial and protozoal communities and fatty acid profile in the rumen of sheep fed a diet containing added tannins
V Vasta, DR Yáñez-Ruiz, M Mele, A Serra, G Luciano, M Lanza, L Biondi, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76 (8), 2549-2555, 2010
Stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase gene polymorphism and milk fatty acid composition in Italian Holsteins
M Mele, G Conte, B Castiglioni, S Chessa, NPP Macciotta, A Serra, ...
Journal of dairy science 90 (9), 4458-4465, 2007
A focused planar microstrip array for 2.4 GHz RFID readers
A Buffi, AA Serra, P Nepa, G Manara
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 58 (5), 1536-1544, 2010
Quality of eggs from Lohmann Brown Classic laying hens fed black soldier fly meal as substitute for soya bean
G Secci, F Bovera, S Nizza, N Baronti, L Gasco, G Conte, A Serra, ...
Animal 12 (10), 2191-2197, 2018
Dietary olive cake reduces the oxidation of lipids, including cholesterol, in lamb meat enriched in polyunsaturated fatty acids
G Luciano, M Pauselli, M Servili, E Mourvaki, A Serra, FJ Monahan, ...
Meat Science 93 (3), 703-714, 2013
Diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1, stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1, and sterol regulatory element binding protein 1 gene polymorphisms and milk fatty acid composition in Italian Brown …
G Conte, M Mele, S Chessa, B Castiglioni, A Serra, G Pagnacco, ...
Journal of dairy science 93 (2), 753-763, 2010
A wide-band dual-polarized stacked patch antenna
AA Serra, P Nepa, G Manara, G Tribellini, S Cioci
IEEE antennas and wireless propagation letters 6, 141-143, 2007
Effect of kind of dietary fat on the quality of milk fat from Italian Friesian cows
P Secchiari, M Antongiovanni, M Mele, A Serra, A Buccioni, G Ferruzzi, ...
Livestock Production Science 83 (1), 43-52, 2003
Enrichment of Pecorino cheese with conjugated linoleic acid by feeding dairy ewes with extruded linseed: Effect on fatty acid and triglycerides composition and on oxidative …
M Mele, G Contarini, L Cercaci, A Serra, A Buccioni, M Povolo, G Conte, ...
International Dairy Journal 21 (5), 365-372, 2011
Effect of forage/concentrate ratio and soybean oil supplementation on milk yield, and composition from Sarda ewes
M Mele, A Buccioni, F Petacchi, A Serra, S Banni, M Antongiovanni, ...
Animal Research 55 (4), 273-285, 2006
Diversity performance analysis for on-body communication channels at 2.45 GHz
I Khan, PS Hall, AA Serra, AR Guraliuc, P Nepa
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and propagation 57 (4), 956-963, 2009
Genetic parameters for conjugated linoleic acid, selected milk fatty acids, and milk fatty acid unsaturation of Italian Holstein-Friesian cows
M Mele, R Dal Zotto, M Cassandro, G Conte, A Serra, A Buccioni, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 92 (1), 392-400, 2009
Association between a polymorphism at the stearoyl CoA desaturase locus and milk production traits in Italian Holsteins
NPP Macciotta, M Mele, G Conte, A Serra, M Cassandro, R Dal Zotto, ...
Journal of dairy science 91 (8), 3184-3189, 2008
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) content of meat from three muscles of Massese suckling lambs slaughtered at different weights
A Serra, M Mele, F La Comba, G Conte, A Buccioni, P Secchiari
Meat Science 81 (2), 396-404, 2009
Effect of soybean oil supplementation on milk fatty acid composition from Saanen goats fed diets with different forage: concentrate ratios
M Mele, A Serra, A Buccioni, G Conte, A Pollicardo, P Secchiari
Italian Journal of Animal Science 7 (3), 297-311, 2008
Multiband PIFA for WLAN mobile terminals
P Nepa, G Manara, AA Serra, G Nenna
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 4, 349-350, 2005
Lipid characterization of chestnut and willow honeybee-collected pollen: Impact of freeze-drying and microwave-assisted drying
G Conte, G Benelli, A Serra, F Signorini, M Bientinesi, C Nicolella, M Mele, ...
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 55, 12-19, 2017
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