hang ding
hang ding
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Diffuse interface model for incompressible two-phase flows with large density ratios
H Ding, PDM Spelt, C Shu
Journal of Computational Physics 226 (2), 2078-2095, 2007
Local radial basis function-based differential quadrature method and its application to solve two-dimensional incompressible Navier–Stokes equations
C Shu, H Ding, KS Yeo
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 192 (7-8), 941-954, 2003
Wetting condition in diffuse interface simulations of contact line motion
H Ding, PDM Spelt
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (4 …, 2007
Numerical simulations of flows with moving contact lines
Y Sui, H Ding, PDM Spelt
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 46 (1), 97-119, 2014
Pumping through porous hydrophobic/oleophilic materials: an alternative technology for oil spill remediation
J Ge, YD Ye, HB Yao, X Zhu, X Wang, L Wu, JL Wang, H Ding, N Yong, ...
Angewandte Chemie 126 (14), 3686-3690, 2014
Numerical simulation of flows around two circular cylinders by mesh‐free least square‐based finite difference methods
H Ding, C Shu, KS Yeo, D Xu
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 53 (2), 305-332, 2007
Simulation of incompressible viscous flows past a circular cylinder by hybrid FD scheme and meshless least square-based finite difference method
H Ding, C Shu, KS Yeo, D Xu
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 193 (9-11), 727-744, 2004
Inertial effects in droplet spreading: a comparison between diffuse-interface and level-set simulations
H Ding, PDM Spelt
Journal of fluid mechanics 576, 287-296, 2007
Numerical computation of three-dimensional incompressible viscous flows in the primitive variable form by local multiquadric differential quadrature method
H Ding, C Shu, KS Yeo, D Xu
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 195 (7-8), 516-533, 2006
Development of least-square-based two-dimensional finite-difference schemes and their application to simulate natural convection in a cavity
H Ding, C Shu, KS Yeo, D Xu
Computers & fluids 33 (1), 137-154, 2004
Onset of motion of a three-dimensional droplet on a wall in shear flow at moderate Reynolds numbers
H Ding, PDM Spelt
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 599, 341-362, 2008
An upwind local RBF-DQ method for simulation of inviscid compressible flows
C Shu, H Ding, HQ Chen, TG Wang
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 194 (18-20), 2001-2017, 2005
Linear stability analysis and numerical simulation of miscible two-layer channel flow
KC Sahu, H Ding, P Valluri, OK Matar
Physics of Fluids 21 (4), 2009
A diffuse-interface immersed-boundary method for two-dimensional simulation of flows with moving contact lines on curved substrates
HR Liu, H Ding
Journal of Computational Physics 294, 484-502, 2015
Sliding, pinch-off and detachment of a droplet on a wall in shear flow
H Ding, MNH Gilani, PDM Spelt
Journal of fluid mechanics 644, 217-244, 2010
Solution of partial differential equations by a global radial basis function-based differential quadrature method
C Shu, H Ding, KS Yeo
Engineering analysis with boundary elements 28 (10), 1217-1226, 2004
Propagation of capillary waves and ejection of small droplets in rapid droplet spreading
H Ding, EQ Li, FH Zhang, Y Sui, PDM Spelt, ST Thoroddsen
Journal of fluid mechanics 697, 92-114, 2012
Simulation of natural convection in eccentric annuli between a square outer cylinder and a circular inner cylinder using local MQ-DQ method
H Ding, C Shu, KS Yeo, ZL Lu
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 47 (3), 291-313, 2005
Meshfree weak–strong (MWS) form method and its application to incompressible flow problems
GR Liu, YL Wu, H Ding
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 46 (10), 1025-1047, 2004
Computation of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations by local RBF-based differential quadrature method
C Shu, H Ding, KS Yeo
CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 7 (2), 195-206, 2005
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