Open innovation norms and knowledge transfer in interfirm technology alliances: Evidence from information technology, 1980–1999 HTW Frankort Collaboration and competition in business ecosystems, 239-282, 2014 | 194* | 2014 |
When does knowledge acquisition in R&D alliances increase new product development? The moderating roles of technological relatedness and product-market competition HTW Frankort Research Policy 45 (1), 291-302, 2016 | 150 | 2016 |
The gloomy side of embeddedness: The effects of overembeddedness on inter-firm partnership formation J Hagedoorn, HTW Frankort Network strategy, 2008 | 142* | 2008 |
The online shadow of offline signals: Which sellers get contacted in online B2B marketplaces? G Lanzolla, HTW Frankort Academy of Management Journal 59 (1), 207-231, 2016 | 94 | 2016 |
A behavioral theory of alliance portfolio reconfiguration: Evidence from pharmaceutical biotechnology K Kavusan, HTW Frankort Strategic Management Journal 40 (10), 1668-1702, 2019 | 93 | 2019 |
R&D partnership portfolios and the inflow of technological knowledge HTW Frankort, J Hagedoorn, W Letterie Industrial and Corporate Change 21 (2), 507-537, 2012 | 68 | 2012 |
Implications of work effort and discretion for employee well-being and career-related outcomes: An integrative assessment A Avgoustaki, HTW Frankort ILR Review 72 (3), 636-661, 2019 | 55* | 2019 |
Characteristics of innovation-driven interfirm alliances, 1957-2006: Analysis and research directions HTW Frankort, J Hagedoorn Cambridge University Press, 2019 | 27* | 2019 |
The influence of national culture on cooperative attitudes in high-technology start-ups J Ulijn, HTW Frankort, LM Uhlaner Entrepreneurship, cooperation and the firm: the emergence and survival of …, 2007 | 26* | 2007 |
R&D alliances and open innovation: Review and opportunities HTW Frankort, J Hagedoorn | 25* | 2024 |
Beyond reward expectancy: How do periodic incentive payments influence the temporal dynamics of performance? HTW Frankort, A Avgoustaki Journal of Management 48 (7), 2075-2107, 2022 | 18* | 2022 |
Structural holes, technological resources, and innovation: a study of an interfirm R&D network. HTW Frankort Academy of Management Proceedings 2008 (1), 1-6, 2008 | 14 | 2008 |
Learning horizon and optimal alliance formation HTW Frankort, J Hagedoorn, W Letterie Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory 22, 212-236, 2016 | 5 | 2016 |
All work intensity is not created equal: Effort motives, job satisfaction and quit intentions at a grocery chain A Avgoustaki, HTW Frankort British Journal of Industrial Relations 61 (4), 869-894, 2023 | 4* | 2023 |
Revving up or backing down? Cross-level effects of firm-level tournaments on employees' competitive actions P Hallila, HTW Frankort, P Aversa Academy of Management Journal 67 (5), 1331-1358, 2024 | 2 | 2024 |
Technology alliance governance, partner selection, and firm innovativeness HTW Frankort Academy of Management Proceedings 2011 (1), 1-7, 2011 | 1 | 2011 |
R&D alliances, knowledge flows, and innovation: three studies on the value of collaborative R&D JTW Frankort | 1 | 2010 |