Haishan Chen(陈海山)
Haishan Chen(陈海山)
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Widespread decline of Congo rainforest greenness in the past decade
L Zhou, Y Tian, RB Myneni, P Ciais, S Saatchi, YY Liu, S Piao, H Chen, ...
Nature 509 (7498), 86-90, 2014
Temporal and spatial variability of temperature and precipitation over East Africa from 1951 to 2010
V Ongoma, H Chen
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 129, 131-144, 2017
Spatial dependence of diurnal temperature range trends on precipitation from 1950 to 2004
L Zhou, A Dai, Y Dai, RS Vose, CZ Zou, Y Tian, H Chen
Climate Dynamics 32, 429-440, 2009
Global annual soil respiration in relation to climate, soil properties and vegetation characteristics: Summary of available data
S Chen, J Zou, Z Hu, H Chen, Y Lu
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 198, 335-346, 2014
Possible causes of the Central Equatorial African long-term drought
W Hua, L Zhou, H Chen, SE Nicholson, A Raghavendra, Y Jiang
Environmental Research Letters 11 (12), 124002, 2016
Modeling interannual variability of global soil respiration from climate and soil properties
S Chen, Y Huang, J Zou, Q Shen, Z Hu, Y Qin, H Chen, G Pan
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 150 (4), 590-605, 2010
Projected changes in mean rainfall and temperature over East Africa based on CMIP5 models
V Ongoma, H Chen, C Gao
International journal of Climatology 38 (3), 1375-1392, 2018
Impact of ocean warming on tropical cyclone size and its destructiveness
Y Sun, Z Zhong, T Li, L Yi, Y Hu, H Wan, H Chen, Q Liao, C Ma, Q Li
Scientific reports 7 (1), 8154, 2017
Observational quantification of climatic and human influences on vegetation greening in China
W Hua, H Chen, L Zhou, Z Xie, M Qin, X Li, H Ma, Q Huang, S Sun
Remote Sensing 9 (5), 425, 2017
Variability of extreme weather events over the equatorial East Africa, a case study of rainfall in Kenya and Uganda
V Ongoma, H Chen, GW Omony
Theoretical and applied climatology 131 (1), 295-308, 2018
Evaluation of CMIP5 twentieth century rainfall simulation over the equatorial East Africa
V Ongoma, H Chen, C Gao
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 135 (3), 893-910, 2019
The 2019 new year stratospheric sudden warming and its real‐time predictions in multiple S2S models
J Rao, CI Garfinkel, H Chen, IP White
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124 (21), 11155-11174, 2019
The influence of topography on East African October to December climate: sensitivity experiments with RegCM4
BA Ogwang, H Chen, X Li, C Gao
Advances in Meteorology 2014 (1), 143917, 2014
The stratospheric sudden warming event in February 2018 and its prediction by a climate system model
J Rao, R Ren, H Chen, Y Yu, Y Zhou
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123 (23), 13,332-13,345, 2018
A negative soil moisture–precipitation relationship and its causes
J Wei, RE Dickinson, H Chen
Journal of Hydrometeorology 9 (6), 1364-1376, 2008
Shift in potential evapotranspiration and its implications for dryness/wetness over Southwest China
S Sun, H Chen, G Wang, J Li, M Mu, G Yan, B Xu, J Huang, J Wang, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121 (16), 9342-9355, 2016
Future changes in climate extremes over Equatorial East Africa based on CMIP5 multimodel ensemble
V Ongoma, H Chen, C Gao, AM Nyongesa, F Polong
Natural Hazards 90, 901-920, 2018
Extreme drought in the recent two decades in northern China resulting from Eurasian warming
J Zhang, H Chen, Q Zhang
Climate Dynamics 52 (5), 2885-2902, 2019
Assessing reanalysis data for understanding rainfall climatology and variability over Central Equatorial Africa
W Hua, L Zhou, SE Nicholson, H Chen, M Qin
Climate Dynamics 53, 651-669, 2019
李春, 孙照渤, 陈海山
南京气象学院学报 25 (4), 455-462, 2002
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