Patrice Pajusco
Patrice Pajusco
Head of microwave department, IMT Atlantique
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Typical MIMO propagation channels in urban macrocells at 2GHz
JM Conrat, P Pajusco
EW 2007: 13th European Wireless Conference, ., 2007
Experimental characterization of DOA at the base station in rural and urban area
P Pajusco
VTC'98. 48th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference. Pathway to Global …, 1998
Ultra-wideband radio propagation channels: a practical approach
P Pagani, FT Talom, P Pajusco, B Uguen
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Characterization and modeling of temporal variations on an ultrawideband radio link
P Pagani, P Pajusco
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 54 (11), 3198-3206, 2006
RCS modeling and measurements for automotive radar applications in the W band
EB Kamel, A Peden, P Pajusco
2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), 2445-2449, 2017
Single-carrier spatial modulation for the Internet of Things: Design and performance evaluation by using real compact and reconfigurable antennas
DT Phan-Huy, Y Kokar, K Rachedi, P Pajusco, A Mokh, T Magounaki, ...
IEEE access 7, 18978-18993, 2019
Experimental assessment of the UWB channel variability in a dynamic indoor environment
P Pagani, P Pajusco
2004 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2004
A multibands wideband propagation channel sounder from 2 to 60 GHz
JM Conrat, P Pajusco, JY Thiriet
2006 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Proceedings …, 2006
On the use of uniform circular arrays for characterizing UWB time reversal
P Pajusco, P Pagani
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 57 (1), 102-109, 2009
Determination of material characteristics for optimizing WLAN radio
G Tesserault, N Malhouroux, P Pajusco
2007 European Conference on Wireless Technologies, 225-228, 2007
A study of the ultra-wide band indoor channel: Propagation experiment and measurement results
P Pagani, P Pajusco, S Voinot
International workshop on ultra wideband systems, ., 2003
Communications Ultra Large Bande: le canal de propagation radioélectrique
P Pagani, FT Talom, P Pajusco, B Uguen
Hermes science, 2007
Propagation channel models for mobile communication
P Pajusco
Comptes Rendus Physique 7 (7), 703-714, 2006
Radio propagation in urban small cells environment at 2 GHz: experimental spatio-temporal characterization and spatial wideband channel model
P Laspougeas, P Pajusco, JC Bic
Vehicular Technology Conference Fall 2000. IEEE VTS Fall VTC2000. 52nd …, 2000
Comprehensive characterization of the double directional UWB residential indoor channel
P Pajusco, N Malhouroux-Gaffet, G El Zein
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 63 (3), 1129-1139, 2015
Model for energy efficiency in radio over fiber distributed indoor antenna Wi-Fi network
Y Josse, B Fracasso, P Pajusco
2011 The 14th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia …, 2011
Experimental analysis of the ultra wideband propagation channel over the 3.1 GHz-10.6 GHz frequency band
P Pagani, P Pajusco
2006 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2006
Calibration of mobile radio channel sounders
P Lehne, F Aanvik, JC Bic, P Pajusco, M Grigat, I Gaspard, U Martin
COST 259 TD (98) 88, 1998
A versatile propagation channel simulator for MIMO link level simulation
JM Conrat, P Pajusco
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2007, 1-13, 2007
Radio-over-Fibre access for sustainable Digital Cities
TJ Hall, R Maldonado-Basilio, S Abdul-Majid, J Seregelyi, R Li, ...
annals of telecommunications-annales des télécommunications 68, 3-21, 2013
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