Arne Ruckert
Arne Ruckert
Director of Research, Global Strategy Lab, York University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Covid 19- The Gendered Impacts of the Outbreak
CGWG Wenham, Smith, Morgan
The Lancet 395 (10227), 846-848, 2020
Post-neoliberalism in the Americas: An introduction
L Macdonald, A Ruckert
Post-neoliberalism in the Americas, 1-18, 2009
Public–private partnerships (ppps) in global health: the good, the bad and the ugly
A Ruckert, R Labonté
Third World Quarterly 35 (9), 1598-1614, 2014
Post-neoliberalism in Latin America: a conceptual review
A Ruckert, L Macdonald, KR Proulx
Third World Quarterly 38 (7), 1583-1602, 2017
Towards an inclusive-neoliberal regime of development: From the Washington to the Post-Washington Consensus
A Ruckert
Labour, Capital and Society/Travail, capital et société, 34-67, 2006
Reducing health inequities: is universal basic income the way forward?
A Ruckert, C Huynh, R Labonté
Journal of Public Health 40 (1), 3-7, 2018
Health inequities in the age of austerity: the need for social protection policies
A Ruckert, R Labonté
Social Science & Medicine 187, 306-311, 2017
Global health diplomacy: a critical review of the literature
A Ruckert, R Labonté, R Lencucha, V Runnels, M Gagnon
Social science & medicine 155, 61-72, 2016
Producing neoliberal hegemony? A neo-Gramscian analysis of the poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSP) in Nicaragua
A Rückert
Studies in Political Economy 79 (1), 91-118, 2007
The global financial crisis and health equity: early experiences from Canada
A Ruckert, R Labonté
Globalization and Health 10, 1-10, 2014
What role for One Health in the COVID-19 pandemic?
A Ruckert, K Zinszer, C Zarowsky, R Labonté, H Carabin
Canadian Journal of Public Health 111 (5), 641-644, 2020
The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Is it everything we feared for health?
R Labonté, A Schram, A Ruckert
International Journal of Health Policy and Management 5 (8), 487, 2016
The forgotten dimension of social reproduction: the World Bank and the poverty reduction strategy paradigm
A Ruckert
Review of International Political Economy 17 (5), 816-839, 2010
Globalization and the rise of precarious employment: the new frontier for workplace health promotion
S Caldbick, R Labonte, KS Mohindra, A Ruckert
Global health promotion 21 (2), 23-31, 2014
Health equity in a globalizing era: past challenges, future prospects
R Labonté, A Ruckert
Oxford University Press, 2019
The global financial crisis and health equity: toward a conceptual framework
A Ruckert, R Labonté
Critical Public Health 22 (3), 267-279, 2012
Policy coherence, health and the sustainable development goals: a health impact assessment of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
A Ruckert, A Schram, R Labonté, S Friel, D Gleeson, AM Thow
Critical Public Health 27 (1), 86-96, 2017
A conceptual framework for investigating the impacts of international trade and investment agreements on noncommunicable disease risk factors
A Schram, A Ruckert, JA VanDuzer, S Friel, D Gleeson, AM Thow, ...
Health Policy and Planning 33 (1), 123-136, 2018
Governing antimicrobial resistance: a narrative review of global governance mechanisms
A Ruckert, P Fafard, S Hindmarch, A Morris, C Packer, D Patrick, S Weese, ...
Journal of public health policy 41 (4), 515, 2020
Globalization and the health of Canadians:‘Having a job is the most important thing’
R Labonté, E Cobbett, M Orsini, D Spitzer, T Schrecker, A Ruckert
Globalization and health 11, 1-16, 2015
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