Scott Thiebes
Trustworthy artificial intelligence
S Thiebes, S Lins, A Sunyaev
Electronic Markets 31, 447-464, 2021
Gamifying Information Systems-a synthesis of Gamification mechanics and Dynamics.
S Thiebes, S Lins, D Basten
ECIS, 2014
Artificial intelligence as a service: classification and research directions
S Lins, KD Pandl, H Teigeler, S Thiebes, C Bayer, A Sunyaev
Business & Information Systems Engineering 63, 441-456, 2021
On the convergence of artificial intelligence and distributed ledger technology: A scoping review and future research agenda
KD Pandl, S Thiebes, M Schmidt-Kraepelin, A Sunyaev
IEEE access 8, 57075-57095, 2020
Archetypes of gamification: analysis of mHealth apps
M Schmidt-Kraepelin, PA Toussaint, S Thiebes, J Hamari, A Sunyaev
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 8 (10), e19280, 2020
Gamification in Health Behavior Change Support Systems-A Synthesis of Unintended Side Effects
M Schmidt-Kraepelin, S Thiebes, S Stepanovic, T Mettler, A Sunyaev
Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2019
Rethinking the meaning of cloud computing for health care: a taxonomic perspective and future research directions
F Gao, S Thiebes, A Sunyaev
Journal of medical Internet research 20 (7), e10041, 2018
What’s in the Game? Developing a Taxonomy of Gamification Concepts for Health Apps
M Schmidt-Kraepelin, S Thiebes, MC Tran, A Sunyaev
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 51, 2018
The adoption of wearables for a healthy lifestyle: can gamification help?
T Spil, A Sunyaev, S Thiebes, R Van Baalen
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 50, 2017
Conceptual ambiguity surrounding gamification and serious games in health care: literature review and development of game-based intervention reporting guidelines (GAMING)
S Warsinsky, M Schmidt-Kraepelin, S Rank, S Thiebes, A Sunyaev
Journal of medical Internet research 23 (9), e30390, 2021
What is really going on at your cloud service provider
S Lins, S Thiebes, S Schneider, A Sunyaev
Proceddings of the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Science …, 2015
The role of gamification in health behavior change: A review of theory-driven studies
M Schmidt-Kraepelin, S Warsinsky, S Thiebes, A Sunyaev
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 53, 2020
Valuable genomes: taxonomy and archetypes of business models in direct-to-consumer genetic testing
S Thiebes, PA Toussaint, J Ju, JH Ahn, K Lyytinen, A Sunyaev
Journal of medical Internet research 22 (1), e14890, 2020
Security and privacy requirements for cloud computing in healthcare: Elicitation and prioritization from a patient perspective
T Ermakova, B Fabian, M Kornacka, S Thiebes, A Sunyaev
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS) 11 (2), 1-29, 2020
Drivers and Inhibitors for Organizations’ Intention to Adopt Artificial Intelligence as a Service
KD Pandl, H Teigeler, S Lins, S Thiebes, A Sunyaev
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 54, 1769, 2021
Trustworthy machine learning for health care: scalable data valuation with the shapley value
KD Pandl, F Feiland, S Thiebes, A Sunyaev
Proceedings of the Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning, 47-57, 2021
Are we playing yet? A review of gamified enterprise systems
K Augustin, S Thiebes, S Lins, R Linden, D Basten
PACIS, 2016
How detection ranges and usage stops impact digital contact tracing effectiveness for COVID-19
KD Pandl, S Thiebes, M Schmidt-Kraepelin, A Sunyaev
Scientific reports 11 (1), 9414, 2021
Distributed ledger technology in genomics: a call for Europe
S Thiebes, M Schlesner, B Brors, A Sunyaev
European Journal of Human Genetics 28 (2), 139-140, 2020
Sharing is About Caring? Motivating and Discouraging Factors in Sharing Individual Genomic Data
S Thiebes, K Lyytinen, A Sunyaev
38th International Conference on Information Systems, 2017
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