Arash Khosravifar
Arash Khosravifar
Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Portland State University
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A 3D model for earthquake-induced liquefaction triggering and post-liquefaction response
A Khosravifar, A Elgamal, J Lu, J Li
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 110, 43-52, 2018
A finite difference method for off-fault plasticity throughout the earthquake cycle
BA Erickson, EM Dunham, A Khosravifar
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 109, 50-77, 2017
Effects of liquefaction on inelastic demands on extended pile shafts
A Khosravifar, RW Boulanger, SK Kunnath
Earthquake Spectra 30 (4), 1749-1773, 2014
Analysis and design for inelastic structural response of extended pile shaft foundations in laterally spreading ground during earthquakes
A Khosravifar
University of California, Davis, 2012
Field Trials of Microbially Induced Desaturation in Low-Plasticity Silt
DM Moug, KR Sorenson, A Khosravifar, M Preciado, E Stallings Young, ...
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 148 (11), 05022005, 2022
Seismic stability of coal tailings dams with spatially variable and liquefiable coal tailings using pore pressure plasticity models
S Salam, M Xiao, A Khosravifar, K Ziotopoulou
Computers and Geotechnics 132, 104017, 2021
Characterization of static and dynamic geotechnical properties and behaviors of fine coal refuse
S Salam, M Xiao, A Khosravifar, M Liew, S Liu, J Rostami
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 56 (12), 1901-1916, 2019
Design of Extended Pile Shafts for the Effects of Liquefaction
A Khosravifar, RW Boulanger, SK Kunnath
Earthquake Spectra 30 (4), 1775-1799, 2014
Field evaluation of microbially induced desaturation for liquefaction mitigation of silty soils
D Moug, A Khosravifar, M Preciado, K Sorenson, K Stokoe, F Menq, ...
17th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan, 2020
Inelastic Response of Extended Pile Shafts in Laterally Spreading Ground during Earthquakes (Student Paper Competition 2010)
A Khosravifar, RW Boulanger
DFI Journal: The Journal of the Deep Foundations Institute 4 (2), 41-53, 2010
Numerical modeling of a pile-supported wharf subjected to liquefaction-induced lateral ground deformations
M Souri, A Khosravifar, S Dickenson, N McCullough, S Schlechter
Computers and Geotechnics 154, 105117, 2023
Pile-Supported Wharves Subjected to Inertial Loads and Lateral Ground Deformations. I: Experimental Results from Centrifuge Tests
M Souri, A Khosravifar, S Dickenson, S Schlechter, N McCullough
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 148 (11), 04022090, 2022
Effects of long duration earthquakes on the interaction of inertial and liquefaction-induced kinematic demands on pile-supported wharves
M Souri, A Khosravifar, S Dickenson, N McCullough, S Schlechter
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 154, 107155, 2022
Field monitoring of the persistence of microbially induced desaturation for mitigation of earthquake induced soil liquefaction in silty soil
K Sorenson, AM Preciado, D Moug, A Khosravifar, L van Paassen, ...
Lifelines 2022, 101-113, 2022
Pile-supported wharves subjected to inertial loads and lateral ground deformations. II: Guidelines for equivalent static analysis
M Souri, A Khosravifar, S Dickenson, S Schlechter, N McCullough
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 148 (11), 04022091, 2022
Evaluating cyclic loading response of a low plasticity silt with laboratory and field cyclic loading tests
AM Preciado, K Sorenson, A Khosravifar, D Moug, K Stokoe, F Menq, ...
Lifelines 2022, 114-125, 2021
Modified design procedures for bridge pile foundations subjected to liquefaction-induced lateral spreading
A Khosravifar, J Nasr
DFI Journal-The Journal of the Deep Foundations Institute 11 (2-3), 114-127, 2017
Seismic Performance of Pile-Supported Piers and Wharves Subjected to Foundation Deformations
M Souri, A Khosravifar, S Dickenson, S Schlechter, N McCullough
Ports 2019: Port Engineering, 616-627, 2019
Seismic Performance of Pile-Supported Piers and Wharves Subjected to Foundation Deformations
M Souri, A Khosravifar, S Dickenson, S Schlechter, N McCullough
Ports 2019: Port Engineering, 616-627, 2019
Inertial and Liquefaction-Induced Kinematic Demands on a Pile-Supported Wharf: Physical Modeling
M Souri, A Khosravifar, SE Dickenson, S Schlechter, N McCullough
Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics V: Numerical Modeling …, 2018
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