Jeyarani Jeyaseelan
Jeyarani Jeyaseelan
Professor, CARE College of Engineering, Trichy-620009
Patvirtintas el. paštas
PolSK and ASK modulation techniques based BER analysis of WDM-FSO system for under turbulence conditions
J Jeyaseelan, DS Kumar, BE Caroline
Wireless Personal Communications 103, 3221-3237, 2018
Soil nutrient detection based on photonic crystal hexagonal resonator for smart farming
EC Britto, SK Danasegaran, SC Xavier, J Jeyaseelan
Brazilian Journal of Physics 51 (3), 507-514, 2021
Disaster management using free space optical communication system
J Jeyaseelan, D Sriram Kumar, BE Caroline
Photonic Network Communications 39 (1), 1-14, 2020
Design of reconfigurable tri-band antenna for wireless communication
BN Aadithiya, BE Caroline, J Jeyarani
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1717 (1), 012058, 2021
Performance analysis of free space optical communication system employing WDM-PolSK under turbulent weather conditions.
J Jeyarani, D SriramKumar, BE Caroline
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced materials 20, 506-514, 2018
Planar multiband smart antenna for wireless communication applications
BE Caroline, BN Aadithiya, J Jeyarani, ARS Batcha
Smart Antennas: Latest Trends in Design and Application, 285-298, 2022
BER analysis of serial relay-assisted FSO systems over strong atmospheric turbulence
J Jeyarani, DS Kumar
2015 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and …, 2015
VLSI implementation and performance evaluation of adaptive filters for impulse noise removal
BE Caroline, G Sheeba, J Jeyarani, FSR Mary
2012 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and …, 2012
Performance analysis of PolSK MIMO-FSO over strong atmospheric turbulence conditions
J Jeyarani, DS Kumar, BE Caroline
2019 TEQIP III Sponsored International Conference on Microwave Integrated …, 2019
A reconfigurable DCT/IDCT architecture for video codec: A Review
BE Caroline, G Sheeba, J Jeyarani
2012 Third International Conference on Computing, Communication and …, 2012
A novel ergodic capacity analysis of MISO OFDM–PDM for free space optical communication system
J Jeyaseelan, DS Kumar, BE Caroline
Optik 185, 1220-1225, 2019
Performance analysis of two way all optical relay assisted pm-fso over different weather conditions
J Jeyarani, DS Kumar
Вісник Національного технічного університету України Київський політехнічний …, 2018
Performance analysis of SOA-based all-optical logic gates over FSO channel
M Michael, EC Britto, J Jeyarani, K Bhuvaneshwari
Advances in All-optical Communication, 3-1-3-25, 2024
Аналіз продуктивності дуплексної оптичної передачі даних з PM-FSO за різних погодних умов
J Jeyarani, DS Kumar
Вісник НТУУ" КПІ". Серія Радіотехніка, Радіоапаратобудування, 30-35, 2018
Анализ производительности дуплексной оптической передачи данных с PM-FSO в различных погодных условиях
J Jeyarani, DS Kumar
Вестник НТУУ" КПИ". Серия Радиотехника, Радиоаппаратостроение, 30-35, 2018
Fading mitigation technique for MIMO in free space optical system
J Jeyarani, DS Kumar, S Ramya
2015 Online International Conference on Green Engineering and Technologies …, 2015
Relay and forward in free space optical communication-A qualitative analysis
J Jeyarani, DDS Kumar
AIP Conference Proceedings 1620 (1), 185-191, 2014
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