Neal Niemuth
Neal Niemuth
Integrated Conservation Scientist, USFWS
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Area sensitivity in North American grassland birds: patterns and processes
CA Ribic, RR Koford, JR Herkert, DH Johnson, ND Niemuth, DE Naugle, ...
The Auk 126 (2), 233-244, 2009
Win-win for wind and wildlife: a vision to facilitate sustainable development
JM Kiesecker, JS Evans, J Fargione, K Doherty, KR Foresman, TH Kunz, ...
PLoS One 6 (4), e17566, 2011
Spatial and temporal variation in wet area of wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota and South Dakota
ND Niemuth, B Wangler, RE Reynolds
Wetlands 30 (6), 1053-1064, 2010
Avoidance of unconventional oil wells and roads exacerbates habitat loss for grassland birds in the North American Great Plains
SJ Thompson, DH Johnson, ND Niemuth, CA Ribic
Biological Conservation 192, 82-90, 2015
Response of waterbirds to number of wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota, USA
ND Niemuth, JW Solberg
Waterbirds 26 (2), 233-238, 2003
A sampling design framework for monitoring secretive marshbirds
DH Johnson, JP Gibbs, M Herzog, S Lor, ND Niemuth, CA Ribic, ...
Waterbirds 32 (2), 203-215, 2009
Use of wetlands by spring-migrant shorebirds in agricultural landscapes of North Dakota’s drift prairie
ND Niemuth, ME Estey, RE Reynolds, CR Loesch, WA Meeks
Wetlands 26 (1), 30-39, 2006
Conservation planning in an era of change: state of the US Prairie Pothole Region
KE Doherty, AJ Ryba, CL Stemler, ND Niemuth, WA Meeks
Wildlife Society Bulletin 37 (3), 546-563, 2013
Land use and vegetation associated with greater prairie-chicken leks in an agricultural landscape
ND Niemuth
The Journal of wildlife management, 278-286, 2000
Waterfowl conservation in the US Prairie Pothole Region: Confronting the complexities of climate change
ND Niemuth, KK Fleming, RE Reynolds
PloS one 9 (6), e100034, 2014
Influence of moisture on density and distribution of grassland birds in North Dakota
ND Niemuth, JW Solberg, TL Shaffer
The Condor 110 (2), 211-222, 2008
Identifying landscapes for greater prairie chicken translocation using habitat models and GIS: a case study
ND Niemuth
Wildlife Society Bulletin, 145-155, 2003
Effects of lake characteristics and human disturbance on the presence of piscivorous birds in northern Wisconsin, USA
JL Newbrey, MA Bozek, ND Niemuth
Waterbirds, 478-486, 2005
Northern Prairie and Parkland waterbird conservation plan
GW Beyersbergen, ND Niemuth, MR Norton
A plan associated with the waterbird conservation for the Americas …, 2004
Effect of wind energy development on breeding duck densities in the Prairie Pothole Region
CR Loesch, JA Walker, RE Reynolds, JS Gleason, ND Niemuth, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 77 (3), 587-598, 2013
Representation of landcover along breeding bird survey routes in the Northern Plains
ND Niemuth, AL Dahl, ME Estey, CR Loesch
The Journal of Wildlife Management 71 (7), 2258-2265, 2007
Spatial and temporal patterns of predation of simulated sage grouse nests at high and low nest densities: an experimental study
ND Niemuth, MS Boyce
Canadian Journal of Zoology 73 (5), 819-825, 1995
Benefits of the conservation reserve program to grassland bird populations in the prairie Pothole region of North Dakota and South Dakota
ND Niemuth, FR Quamen, DE Naugle, RE Reynolds, ME Estey, ...
Bismarck, ND: US Department of the Interior, 2007
Developing spatial models to guide conservation of grassland birds in the US Northern Great Plains
ND Niemuth, ME Estey, SP Fields, B Wangler, AA Bishop, PJ Moore, ...
The Condor: Ornithological Applications 119 (3), 506-525, 2017
Influence of wind turbines on presence of Willet, Marbled Godwit, Wilson's Phalarope and Black Tern on wetlands in the Prairie Pothole region of North Dakota and South Dakota
ND Niemuth, JA Walker, JS Gleason, CR Loesch, RE Reynolds, ...
Waterbirds 36 (3), 263-276, 2013
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