Fazel Zahakifar
Fazel Zahakifar
Associate Professor at Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute (NSTRI)
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Numerical study on the thermal performance of the shell and tube heat exchanger using twisted tubes and Al2O3 nanoparticles
V Ghazanfari, M Imani, MM Shadman, Y Amini, F Zahakifar
Progress in nuclear energy 155, 104526, 2023
Synthesis of sodium alginate (SA)/polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)/polyethylene oxide (PEO)/ZSM-5 zeolite hybrid nanostructure adsorbent by casting method for uranium (VI) adsorption …
F Zahakifar, AR Keshtkar, M Talebi
Progress in Nuclear Energy 134, 103642, 2021
Use of response surface methodology for optimization of thorium (IV) removal from aqueous solutions by electrodeionization (EDI)
F Zahakifar, AR Keshtkar, EZ Souderjani, MA Moosavian
Progress in Nuclear Energy 124, 103335, 2020
Performance evaluation of hollow fiber renewal liquid membrane for extraction of uranium (VI) from acidic sulfate solution
F Zahakifar, A Charkhi, M Torab-Mostaedi, R Davarkhah
Radiochimica Acta 106 (3), 181-189, 2018
Kinetic study of uranium transport via a bulk liquid membrane containing Alamine 336 as a carrier
F Zahakifar, A Charkhi, M Torab-Mostaedi, R Davarkhah
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 316, 247-255, 2018
Performance evaluation of sodium alginate/polyvinyl alcohol/polyethylene oxide/ZSM5 zeolite hybrid adsorbent for ion uptake from aqueous solutions: a case study of thorium (IV)
F Zahakifar, AR Keshtkar, M Talebi
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 327, 65-72, 2021
Study of kinetic, thermodynamic, and isotherm of Sr adsorption from aqueous solutions on graphene oxide (GO) and (aminomethyl) phosphonic acid–graphene oxide (AMPA–GO)
FV Alamdarlo, G Solookinejad, F Zahakifar, MR Jalal, M Jabbari
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 329 (2), 1033-1043, 2021
Optimization of operational conditions in continuous electrodeionization method for maximizing Strontium and Cesium removal from aqueous solutions using artificial neural network
F Zahakifar, A Keshtkar, E Nazemi, A Zaheri
Radiochimica Acta 105 (7), 583-591, 2017
Continuous bulk liquid membrane technique for thorium transport: modeling and experimental validation
S Alamdar Milani, F Zahakifar, A Charkhi
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 16, 455-464, 2019
Recovery and transport of thorium (IV) through polymer inclusion membrane with D2EHPA from nitric acid solutions
HR Arabi, SA Milani, H Abolghasemi, F Zahakifar
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 327, 653-665, 2021
Effect of surfactants on the performance of hollow fiber renewal liquid membrane (HFRLM): a case study of uranium transfer
F Zahakifar, A Charkhi, M Torab-Mostaedi, R Davarkhah, A Yadollahi
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 318, 973-983, 2018
Intensification of zirconium and hafnium separation through the hollow fiber renewal liquid membrane technique using synergistic mixture of TBP and Cyanex-272 as extractant
A Yadollahi, M Torab-Mostaedi, K Saberyan, A Charkhi, F Zahakifar
Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 27 (8), 1817-1827, 2019
Preparation and evaluation of amidoximated poly (styrene-acrylonitrile) nanofibers for uranium adsorption from aqueous solutions
R Rostamian, M Firouzzare, F Zahakifar
Journal of Polymer Research 28 (5), 193, 2021
Continuous removal of thorium from aqueous solution using functionalized graphene oxide: Study of adsorption kinetics in batch system and fixed bed column
F Zahakifar, F Khanramaki
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 14888, 2024
Membrane assisted transport of thorium (IV) across bulk liquid membrane containing DEHPA as ion carrier: kinetic, mechanism and thermodynamic studies
SA Milani, F Zahakifar, M Faryadi
Radiochimica Acta 110 (10), 841-852, 2022
Application of plantain leaves as a bio-adsorbent for biosorption of U (VI) ions from wastewater
M Taheri, M Khajenoori, Z Shiri-Yekta, F Zahakifar
Radiochimica Acta 111 (7), 513-524, 2023
The performance evaluation of Alamine336 in solvent extraction and polymer inclusion membrane methods for valuable ions extraction: A case study of Te (IV) separation …
MRA Shadbad, P Zaheri, H Abolghasemi, F Zahakifar
Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification 184, 109268, 2023
Stoichiometry and thermodynamics of cerium (IV) solvent extraction from sulfuric acid solutions by CYANEX 301
SA Milani, F Zahakifar
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering 39 (2), 553-560, 2022
Synthesis of graphene oxide and functionalized graphene oxide using improved hummers method for the adsorption of lead from aqueous solutions
F Vaziri Alamdarlo, G Solookinejad, F Zahakifar, M Rezvani Jalal, ...
Journal of Water and Wastewater; Ab va Fazilab (in persian) 32 (4), 108-121, 2021
Extraction of uranium from the sulfuric acid solution using a polymer inclusion membrane containing alamine336
P Zaheri, R Davarkhah, F Zahakifar
Journal of Nuclear Science, Engineering and Technology (JONSAT) 42 (3), 28-36, 2021
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