Kaveh Deilami
Kaveh Deilami
Centre for Urban Research, RMIT University
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Satellite remote sensing of surface urban heat islands: Progress, challenges, and perspectives
D Zhou, J Xiao, S Bonafoni, C Berger, K Deilami, Y Zhou, S Frolking, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (1), 48, 2018
Urban heat island effect: A systematic review of spatio-temporal factors, data, methods, and mitigation measures
K Deilami, M Kamruzzaman, Y Liu
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 67, 30-42, 2018
Modelling the urban heat island effect of smart growth policy scenarios in Brisbane
K Deilami, M Kamruzzaman
Land Use Policy 64, 38-55, 2017
Disaster awareness and information seeking behaviour among residents from low socio-economic backgrounds
M Teo, A Goonetilleke, A Ahankoob, K Deilami, M Lawie
International journal of disaster risk reduction 31, 1121-1131, 2018
Correlation or causality between land cover patterns and the urban heat island effect? Evidence from Brisbane, Australia
K Deilami, M Kamruzzaman, JF Hayes
Remote Sensing 8 (9), 716, 2016
Evaluating the relationship between temporal changes in land use and resulting water quality
B Wijesiri, K Deilami, A Goonetilleke
Environmental Pollution 234, 480-486, 2018
Very high resolution optical satellites for DEM generation: a review
K Deilami, M Hashim
European Journal of Scientific Research 49 (4), 542-554, 2011
Revisiting the cooling effects of urban greening: Planning implications of vegetation types and spatial configuration
PY Rakoto, K Deilami, J Hurley, M Amati, QC Sun
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 64, 127266, 2021
Investigating the urban heat island effect of transit oriented development in Brisbane
M Kamruzzaman, K Deilami, T Yigitcanlar
Journal of Transport Geography 66, 116-124, 2018
Nutrients and metals interactions between water and sediment phases: An urban river case study
B Wijesiri, A Liu, K Deilami, B He, N Hong, B Yang, X Zhao, G Ayoko, ...
Environmental Pollution 251, 354-362, 2019
Coastal flooding risk assessment using a GIS-based spatial multi-criteria decision analysis approach
V Hadipour, F Vafaie, K Deilami
Water 12 (9), 2379, 2020
Engaging residents from different ethnic and language backgrounds in disaster preparedness
M Teo, A Goonetilleke, K Deilami, A Ahankoob, M Lawie
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 39, 101245, 2019
Use of surrogate indicators for the evaluation of potential health risks due to poor urban water quality: A Bayesian Network approach
B Wijesiri, K Deilami, J McGree, A Goonetilleke
Environmental pollution 233, 655-661, 2018
Influence of land use class and configuration on water-sediment partitioning of heavy metals
LS Miranda, K Deilami, GA Ayoko, P Egodawatta, A Goonetilleke
Science of The Total Environment 804, 150116, 2022
Catchment scale assessment of risk posed by traffic generated heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Y Ma, J McGree, A Liu, K Deilami, P Egodawatta, A Goonetilleke
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 144, 593-600, 2017
Ranking the factors influencing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) build-up on urban roads
A Liu, Y Ma, K Deilami, P Egodawatta, A Goonetilleke
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 139, 416-422, 2017
Allowing users to benefit from tree shading: Using a smartphone app to allow adaptive route planning during extreme heat
K Deilami, J Rudner, A Butt, T MacLeod, G Williams, H Romeijn, M Amati
Forests 11 (9), 998, 2020
Engaging vulnerable populations in preparedness and response: a local government context
M Teo M, M Lawie, A Goonetilleke, A Ahankoob, K Deilami
Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 2018
Creating a hierarchy of hazard control for urban stormwater management
Y Ma, K Deilami, P Egodawatta, A Liu, J McGree, A Goonetilleke
Environmental Pollution 255, 113217, 2019
Application of landscape epidemiology to assess potential public health risk due to poor sanitation
K Deilami, JF Hayes, J McGree, A Goonetilleke
Journal of environmental management 192, 124-133, 2017
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