Laura Blamey
Laura Blamey
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Global regime shift dynamics of catastrophic sea urchin overgrazing
SD Ling, RE Scheibling, A Rassweiler, CR Johnson, N Shears, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370 …, 2015
Ecosystem change in the southern Benguela and the underlying processes
LK Blamey, LJ Shannon, JJ Bolton, RJM Crawford, F Dufois, H Evers-King, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 144, 9-29, 2015
The value of ecosystem services in global marine kelp forests
AM Eger, EM Marzinelli, R Beas-Luna, CO Blain, LK Blamey, JEK Byrnes, ...
Nature communications 14 (1), 1894, 2023
Synthesis: climate effects on biodiversity, abundance and distribution of marine organisms in the B enguela
A Jarre, L Hutchings, SP Kirkman, A Kreiner, PCM Tchipalanga, P Kainge, ...
Fisheries Oceanography 24, 122-149, 2015
The economic value of South African kelp forests and temperate reefs: past, present and future
LK Blamey, JJ Bolton
Journal of Marine Systems 188, 172-181, 2018
Regime-shifts in the southern Benguela shelf and inshore region
LK Blamey, JAE Howard, J Agenbag, A Jarre
Progress in Oceanography 106, 80-95, 2012
Human-mediated drivers of change—impacts on coastal ecosystems and marine biota of South Africa
A Mead, CL Griffiths, GM Branch, CD McQuaid, LK Blamey, JJ Bolton, ...
African Journal of Marine Science 35 (3), 403-425, 2013
A synthesis of three decades of socio-ecological change in False Bay, South Africa: setting the scene for multidisciplinary research and management
MC Pfaff, RC Logston, SJPN Raemaekers, JC Hermes, LK Blamey, ...
Elem Sci Anth 7, 32, 2019
Spatial characterisation of the Benguela ecosystem for ecosystem-based management
SP Kirkman, L Blamey, T Lamont, JG Field, G Bianchi, JA Huggett, ...
African Journal of Marine Science 38 (1), 7-22, 2016
Regime shift of a kelp-forest benthic community induced by an ‘invasion’of the rock lobster Jasus lalandii
LK Blamey, GM Branch
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 420, 33-47, 2012
Assessing the adequacy of current fisheries management under changing climate: a southern synopsis
ÉE Plagányi, SJ Weeks, TD Skewes, MT Gibbs, ES Poloczanska, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 68 (6), 1305-1317, 2011
Habitat diversity relative to wave action on rocky shores: implications for the selection of marine protected areas
LK Blamey, GM Branch
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 19 (6), 645-657, 2009
Temporal changes in kelp forest benthic communities following an invasion by the rock lobster Jasus lalandii
LK Blamey, GM Branch, KE Reaugh-Flower
African Journal of Marine Science 32 (3), 481-490, 2010
Ecosystem modelling provides clues to understanding ecological tipping points
ÉE Plagányi, N Ellis, LK Blamey, EB Morello, A Norman-Lopez, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 512, 99-113, 2014
Dietary change of the rock lobster Jasus lalandii after an ‘invasive’geographic shift: effects of size, density and food availability
CN Haley, LK Blamey, LJ Atkinson, GM Branch
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 93 (2), 160-170, 2011
Modeling a regime shift in a kelp forest ecosystem caused by a lobster range expansion
LK Blamey, ÉE Plagányi, GM Branch
Bulletin of Marine Science 89 (1), 347-375, 2013
Was overfishing of predatory fish responsible for a lobster-induced regime shift in the Benguela?
LK Blamey, EE Plaganyi, GM Branch
Ecological Modelling 273, 140-150, 2014
Oxygen‐depleted bottom waters along the west coast of S outh A frica, 1950–2011
A Jarre, L Hutchings, M Crichton, K Wieland, T Lamont, LK Blamey, C Illert, ...
Fisheries Oceanography 24, 56-73, 2015
Playing the detective: using multispecies approaches to estimate natural mortality rates
ÉE Plagányi, LK Blamey, JGD Rogers, VJD Tulloch
Fisheries Research 249, 106229, 2022
Indirect impacts of COVID-19 on a tropical lobster fishery’s harvest strategy and supply chain
É Plagányi, RA Deng, M Tonks, N Murphy, S Pascoe, S Edgar, K Salee, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 686065, 2021
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