Felix Wong
Felix Wong
MIT, Integrated Biosciences
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
MreB filaments align along greatest principal membrane curvature to orient cell wall synthesis
S Hussain, CN Wivagg, P Szwedziak, F Wong, K Schaefer, T Izore, ...
eLife 7, e32471, 2018
Benchmarking AlphaFold‐enabled molecular docking predictions for antibiotic discovery
F Wong, A Krishnan, EJ Zheng, H Stärk, AL Manson, AM Earl, T Jaakkola, ...
Molecular systems biology 18 (9), e11081, 2022
Leveraging artificial intelligence in the fight against infectious diseases
F Wong, C de la Fuente-Nunez, JJ Collins
Science 381 (6654), 164-170, 2023
Information integration and energy expenditure in gene regulation
J Estrada, F Wong, A DePace, J Gunawardena
Cell 166 (1), 234-244, 2016
Discovery of a structural class of antibiotics with explainable deep learning
F Wong, EJ Zheng, JA Valeri, NM Donghia, MN Anahtar, S Omori, A Li, ...
Nature 626 (7997), 177-185, 2024
Evidence that coronavirus superspreading is fat-tailed
F Wong, JJ Collins
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (47), 29416-29418, 2020
Cytoplasmic condensation induced by membrane damage is associated with antibiotic lethality
F Wong, JM Stokes, B Cervantes, S Penkov, J Friedrichs, LD Renner, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 2321, 2021
A framework for modelling gene regulation which accommodates non-equilibrium mechanisms
T Ahsendorf, F Wong, R Eils, J Gunawardena
BMC biology 12, 1-23, 2014
Mechanical strain sensing implicated in cell shape recovery in Escherichia coli
F Wong, LD Renner, G Özbaykal, J Paulose, DB Weibel, S van Teeffelen, ...
Nature microbiology 2 (9), 17115, 2017
Gene regulation in and out of equilibrium
F Wong, J Gunawardena
Annual review of biophysics 49, 199-226, 2020
Mechanics and dynamics of bacterial cell lysis
F Wong, A Amir
Biophysical journal 116 (12), 2378-2389, 2019
Discovering small-molecule senolytics with deep neural networks
F Wong, S Omori, NM Donghia, EJ Zheng, JJ Collins
Nature Aging 3, 734-750, 2023
Machine learning for antimicrobial peptide identification and design
F Wan, F Wong, JJ Collins, C de la Fuente-Nunez
Nature Reviews Bioengineering 2 (5), 392-407, 2024
Increased energy demand from anabolic-catabolic processes drives β-lactam antibiotic lethality
MA Lobritz, IW Andrews, D Braff, CBM Porter, A Gutierrez, Y Furuta, ...
Cell chemical biology 29 (2), 276-286. e4, 2022
Mechanics and dynamics of translocating MreB filaments on curved membranes
F Wong, EC Garner, A Amir
eLife 8, e40472, 2019
Structural conditions on complex networks for the Michaelis–Menten input–output response
F Wong, A Dutta, D Chowdhury, J Gunawardena
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (39), 9738-9743, 2018
Energy-speed-accuracy relation in complex networks for biological discrimination
F Wong, A Amir, J Gunawardena
Physical Review E 98 (1), 012420, 2018
Allosteric conformational ensembles have unlimited capacity for integrating information
JW Biddle, R Martinez-Corral, F Wong, J Gunawardena
Elife 10, e65498, 2021
Reactive metabolic byproducts contribute to antibiotic lethality under anaerobic conditions
F Wong, JM Stokes, SC Bening, C Vidoudez, SA Trauger, JJ Collins
Molecular cell 82 (18), 3499-3512. e10, 2022
BioAutoMATED: an end-to-end automated machine learning tool for explanation and design of biological sequences
JA Valeri, LR Soenksen, KM Collins, P Ramesh, G Cai, R Powers, ...
Cell systems 14 (6), 525-542. e9, 2023
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