Zengfu Wang/汪增福
Zengfu Wang/汪增福
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A receptor kinase-like protein encoded by the rice disease resistance gene, Xa21
WY Song, GL Wang, LL Chen, HS Kim, LY Pi, T Holsten, J Gardner, ...
science 270 (5243), 1804-1806, 1995
Big data analytics in logistics and supply chain management: Certain investigations for research and applications
G Wang, A Gunasekaran, EWT Ngai, T Papadopoulos
International journal of production economics 176, 98-110, 2016
A general framework for image fusion based on multi-scale transform and sparse representation
Y Liu, S Liu, Z Wang
Information fusion 24, 147-164, 2015
Multi-focus image fusion with a deep convolutional neural network
Y Liu, X Chen, H Peng, Z Wang
Information Fusion 36, 191-207, 2017
RFLP mapping of genes conferring complete and partial resistance to blast in a durably resistant rice cultivar.
GL Wang, DJ Mackill, JM Bonman, SR McCouch, MC Champoux, ...
Genetics 136 (4), 1421-1434, 1994
The Broad-Spectrum Blast Resistance Gene Pi9 Encodes a Nucleotide-Binding Site–Leucine-Rich Repeat Protein and Is a Member of a Multigene Family in Rice
S Qu, G Liu, B Zhou, M Bellizzi, L Zeng, L Dai, B Han, GL Wang
Genetics 172 (3), 1901-1914, 2006
Deep learning for pixel-level image fusion: Recent advances and future prospects
Y Liu, X Chen, Z Wang, ZJ Wang, RK Ward, X Wang
Information fusion 42, 158-173, 2018
A region based stereo matching algorithm using cooperative optimization
ZF Wang, ZG Zheng
2008 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1-8, 2008
Multi-focus image fusion with dense SIFT
Y Liu, S Liu, Z Wang
Information Fusion 23, 139-155, 2015
Infrared and visible image fusion with convolutional neural networks
Y Liu, X Chen, J Cheng, H Peng, Z Wang
International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information …, 2018
Fourier space time-stepping for option pricing with Lévy models
KR Jackson, S Jaimungal, V Surkov
Journal of Computational Finance 12 (2), 1-29, 2008
Simultaneous image fusion and denoising with adaptive sparse representation
Y Liu, Z Wang
IET Image Processing 9 (5), 347-357, 2015
Optical properties of wurtzite structure GaN on sapphire around fundamental absorption edge (0.78–4.77 eV) by spectroscopic ellipsometry and the optical transmission method
G Yu, G Wang, H Ishikawa, M Umeno, T Soga, T Egawa, J Watanabe, ...
Applied Physics Letters 70 (24), 3209-3211, 1997
Optical modulation and detection in slotted silicon waveguides
T Baehr-Jones, M Hochberg, G Wang, R Lawson, Y Liao, PA Sullivan, ...
Optics Express 13 (14), 5216-5226, 2005
TG study on pyrolysis of biomass and its three components under syngas
G Wang, W Li, B Li, H Chen
Fuel 87 (4-5), 552-558, 2008
Draft genome sequence of the mulberry tree Morus notabilis
N He, C Zhang, X Qi, S Zhao, Y Tao, G Yang, TH Lee, X Wang, Q Cai, D Li, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 2445, 2013
Removal of aqueous Hg (II) by polyaniline: sorption characteristics and mechanisms
J Wang, B Deng, H Chen, X Wang, J Zheng
Environmental science & technology 43 (14), 5223-5228, 2009
A deep CNN method for underwater image enhancement
Y Wang, J Zhang, Y Cao, Z Wang
2017 IEEE international conference on image processing (ICIP), 1382-1386, 2017
Terahertz all-optical modulation in a silicon–polymer hybrid system
M Hochberg, T Baehr-Jones, G Wang, M Shearn, K Harvard, J Luo, ...
Nature materials 5 (9), 703-709, 2006
Femtosecond laser-induced periodic surface structure on diamond film
Q Wu, Y Ma, R Fang, Y Liao, Q Yu, X Chen, K Wang
Applied Physics Letters 82 (11), 1703-1705, 2003
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