Colleen Seymour
Wild pollinators enhance fruit set of crops regardless of honey bee abundance
LA Garibaldi, I Steffan-Dewenter, R Winfree, MA Aizen, R Bommarco, ...
science 339 (6127), 1608-1611, 2013
TRY plant trait database–enhanced coverage and open access
J Kattge, G Bönisch, S Díaz, S Lavorel, IC Prentice, P Leadley, ...
Global change biology 26 (1), 119-188, 2020
A global synthesis reveals biodiversity-mediated benefits for crop production
M Dainese, EA Martin, MA Aizen, M Albrecht, I Bartomeus, R Bommarco, ...
Science advances 5 (10), eaax0121, 2019
A global-scale expert assessment of drivers and risks associated with pollinator decline
LV Dicks, TD Breeze, HT Ngo, D Senapathi, J An, MA Aizen, P Basu, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 5 (10), 1453-1461, 2021
Global agricultural productivity is threatened by increasing pollinator dependence without a parallel increase in crop diversification
MA Aizen, S Aguiar, JC Biesmeijer, LA Garibaldi, DW Inouye, C Jung, ...
Global change biology 25 (10), 3516-3527, 2019
Pollination services decline with distance from natural habitat even in biodiversity‐rich areas
LG Carvalheiro, CL Seymour, R Veldtman, SW Nicolson
Journal of Applied Ecology 47 (4), 810-820, 2010
Creating patches of native flowers facilitates crop pollination in large agricultural fields: mango as a case study
LG Carvalheiro, CL Seymour, SW Nicolson, R Veldtman
Journal of Applied Ecology 49 (6), 1373-1383, 2012
A horizon scan of future threats and opportunities for pollinators and pollination
MJF Brown, LV Dicks, RJ Paxton, KCR Baldock, AB Barron, MP Chauzat, ...
PeerJ 4, e2249, 2016
A 2018 horizon scan of emerging issues for global conservation and biological diversity
WJ Sutherland, SHM Butchart, B Connor, C Culshaw, LV Dicks, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 33 (1), 47-58, 2018
The impact of shrub encroachment on savanna bird diversity from local to regional scale
C Sirami, C Seymour, G Midgley, P Barnard
Diversity and Distributions 15 (6), 948-957, 2009
Changes in arthropod diversity along a land use driven gradient of shrub cover in savanna rangelands: identification of suitable indicators
N Blaum, C Seymour, E Rossmanith, M Schwager, F Jeltsch
Biodiversity and conservation 18, 1187-1199, 2009
Global trends in the number and diversity of managed pollinator species
J Osterman, MA Aizen, JC Biesmeijer, J Bosch, BG Howlett, DW Inouye, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 322, 107653, 2021
Do the large termite mounds of Macrotermes concentrate micronutrients in addition to macronutrients in nutrient-poor African savannas?
CL Seymour, AV Milewski, AJ Mills, GS Joseph, GS Cumming, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 68, 95-105, 2014
Twenty years of rest returns grazing potential, but not palatable plant diversity, to Karoo rangeland, South Africa
CL Seymour, SJ Milton, GS Joseph, WRJ Dean, T Ditlhobolo, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 47 (4), 859-867, 2010
Invasive alien plants infiltrate bird‐mediated shrub nucleation processes in arid savanna
SJ Milton, JRU Wilson, DM Richardson, CL Seymour, WRJ Dean, ...
Journal of Ecology 95 (4), 648-661, 2007
Effects of heavy grazing on invertebrate assemblages in the Succulent Karoo, South Africa
CL Seymour, WRJ Dean
Journal of Arid Environments 43 (3), 267-286, 1999
Termite mounds as islands: woody plant assemblages relative to termitarium size and soil properties
GS Joseph, CL Seymour, GS Cumming, DHM Cumming, Z Mahlangu
Journal of Vegetation Science 24 (4), 702-711, 2013
A review of the impacts of roads on wildlife in semi-arid regions
WRJ Dean, CL Seymour, GS Joseph, SH Foord
Diversity 11 (5), 81, 2019
On bird functional diversity: species richness and functional differentiation show contrasting responses to rainfall and vegetation structure in an arid landscape
CL Seymour, RE Simmons, GS Joseph, JA Slingsby
Ecosystems 18, 971-984, 2015
A horizon scan of emerging issues for global conservation in 2019
WJ Sutherland, S Broad, SHM Butchart, SJ Clarke, AM Collins, LV Dicks, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 34 (1), 83-94, 2019
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