Ngangkham Umakanta
Ngangkham Umakanta
Scientist at ICAR RC NEH Region, Manipur Centre, Imphal
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Addition of Pulses, Cooking Oils, and Vegetables Enhances Resistant Starch and Lowers the Glycemic Index of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Starch, 2020
Resistant starch could be decisive in determining the glycemic index of rice cultivars
A Kumar, U Sahoo, B Baisakha, OA Okpani, U Ngangkham, ...
Journal of Cereal Science 79, 348-353, 2018
Genic markers for wild abortive (WA) cytoplasm based male sterility and its fertility restoration in rice
U Ngangkham, SK Parida, S De, K Anand Raj Kumar, AK Singh, ...
Molecular breeding 26, 275-292, 2010
Blast resistance in Indian rice landraces: Genetic dissection by gene specific markers
MK Yadav, S Aravindan, U Ngangkham, S Raghu, SR Prabhukarthikeyan, ...
Plos one 14 (1), e0211061, 2019
Genetic and Genomic Resources for Grain Cereals Improvement: RICE
M Singh, HD Upadhyaya
Academic Press, 2015
Development of doubled haploids from an elite indica rice hybrid (BS6444G) using anther culture
N Naik, P Rout, N Umakanta, RL Verma, JL Katara, KK Sahoo, ON Singh, ...
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) 128, 679-689, 2017
Bioavailability of iron and zinc as affected by phytic acid content in rice grain
SGS Awadhesh Kumar, Milan Kumar Lal, Subhra Sashi Kar, Lopamudra Nayak ...
Journal of food biochemistry, 2017
Doubled Haploids generated through anther culture from an elite long duration rice hybrid, CRHR32: Method optimization and molecular characterization
P Rout, N Naik, U Ngangkham, RL Verma, JL Katara, ON Singh, ...
Plant Biotechnology 33 (3), 177-186, 2016
Detection of stable QTLs for grain protein content in rice (Oryza sativa L.) employing high throughput phenotyping and genotyping platforms
CK al
Scientific Reports, 2019
Use of molecular markers in identification and characterization of resistance to rice blast in India
MJ Manoj Kumar Yadav , Aravindan S., Umakanta Ngangkham , H. N. Shubudhi ...
Plos One 12 (4), e0176236, 2017
Comparative transcriptome profiling of low light tolerant and sensitive rice varieties induced by low light stress at active tillering stage
LB 1. Sudhanshu Sekhar, Darshan Panda, Jitendra Kumar, Niharika Mohanty ...
Scientific Reports 9 (5753), 2019
Effect of multiple allelic combinations of genes on regulating grain size in rice
U Ngangkham, S Samantaray, MK Yadav, A Kumar, P Chidambaranathan, ...
PLoS One 13 (1), e0190684, 2018
Rice with pulses or cooking oils can be used to elicit lower glycemic response
A Kumar, S Sahoo, S Sahu, L Nayak, U Ngangkham, C Parameswaran, ...
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 71, 1-7, 2018
A single nucleotide substitution in the SPDT transporter gene reduced phytic acid and increased mineral bioavailability from Rice grain (Oryza sativa L.)
SS Awadhesh Kumar, Sarangadhar Nayak, Umakanta Ngangkham, Rameswar Prasad ...
Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2021
Morphological and molecular characterization of Magnaporthe oryzae from Chhattisgarh
SKMJ Gayatree Panda, Chinmayee Sahu, Manoj Kumar Yadav, S. Aravindan ...
Oryza 54 (3), 330-336, 2017
Assessment of genetic diversity and population structure of Magnaporthe oryzae causing rice blast disease using SSR markers
KY al
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 2019
Correction: Use of molecular markers in identification and characterization of resistance to rice blast in India
MK Yadav, A S, U Ngangkham, HN Subudhi, MK Bag, T Adak, S Munda, ...
Plos one 12 (6), e0179467, 2017
Differential Expression of Genes at Panicle Initiation and Grain Filling Stages Implied in Heterosis of Rice Hybrids
ONSTMJK Ram Lakhan Verma, Madhuchhanda Parida, Umakanta Ngangkham,Kutubuddin ...
International journal of molecular science 21 (1080), 2020
Frequency and fertility restoration efficiency of Rf3 and Rf4 genes in Indian rice
JL Katara, RL Verma, D Nayak, U Ngangkham, S Ray, H Subudhi, ...
Plant Breeding 136 (1), 74-82, 2017
Candidate screening of blast resistance donors for rice breeding
PCR 2. Manoj Kumar Yadav, S. Aravindan, Umakanta Ngangkham, S.R ...
Journal of Genetics, 2019
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