Jason R. Gallant
Jason R. Gallant
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Genomic basis for the convergent evolution of electric organs
JR Gallant, LL Traeger, JD Volkening, H Moffett, PH Chen, CD Novina, ...
Science 344 (6191), 1522-1525, 2014
Hybridization reveals the evolving genomic architecture of speciation
MR Kronforst, MEB Hansen, NG Crawford, JR Gallant, W Zhang, ...
Cell reports 5 (3), 666-677, 2013
Ancient homology underlies adaptive mimetic diversity across butterflies
JR Gallant, VE Imhoff, A Martin, WK Savage, NL Chamberlain, BL Pote, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 4817, 2014
Signal variation and its morphological correlates in Paramormyrops kingsleyae provide insight into the evolution of electrogenic signal diversity in mormyrid electric …
JR Gallant, ME Arnegard, JP Sullivan, BA Carlson, CD Hopkins
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 197, 799-817, 2011
Electrostatic tuning of a potassium channel in electric fish
I Swapna, A Ghezzi, JM York, MR Markham, DB Halling, Y Lu, JR Gallant, ...
Current Biology 28 (13), 2094-2102. e5, 2018
Differential expression of genes and proteins between electric organ and skeletal muscle in the mormyrid electric fish Brienomyrus brachyistius
JR Gallant, CD Hopkins, DL Deitcher
Journal of Experimental Biology 215 (14), 2479-2494, 2012
Studying convergent evolution to relate genotype to behavioral phenotype
JR Gallant, LA O'Connell
Journal of Experimental Biology 223 (Suppl_1), jeb213447, 2020
The Genome and Adult Somatic Transcriptome of the Mormyrid Electric Fish Paramormyrops kingsleyae
JR Gallant, M Losilla, C Tomlinson, WC Warren
Genome Biology and Evolution 9 (12), 3525-3530, 2017
From sequence to spike to spark: evo-devo-neuroethology of electric communication in mormyrid fishes
BA Carlson, JR Gallant
Journal of neurogenetics 27 (3), 106-129, 2013
Unique patterns of transcript and miRNA expression in the South American strong voltage electric eel (Electrophorus electricus)
LL Traeger, JD Volkening, H Moffett, JR Gallant, PH Chen, CD Novina, ...
BMC genomics 16, 1-14, 2015
Electric fish genomics: progress, prospects, and new tools for neuroethology
WR Pitchers, SJ Constantinou, M Losilla, JR Gallant
Journal of Physiology-Paris 110 (3), 259-272, 2016
Divergent cis-regulatory evolution underlies the convergent loss of sodium channel expression in electric fish
S LaPotin, ME Swartz, DM Luecke, SJ Constantinou, JR Gallant, ...
Science advances 8 (22), eabm2970, 2022
The transcriptional correlates of divergent electric organ discharges in Paramormyrops electric fish
M Losilla, DM Luecke, JR Gallant
BMC Evolutionary Biology 20, 1-19, 2020
Genetic drift does not sufficiently explain patterns of electric signal variation among populations of the mormyrid electric fish Paramormyrops kingsleyae
S Picq, J Sperling, CJ Cheng, BA Carlson, JR Gallant
Evolution 74 (5), 911-935, 2020
Silencing the spark: CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in weakly electric fish
SJ Constantinou, L Nguyen, F Kirschbaum, VL Salazar, JR Gallant
Journal of visualized experiments 152, 2019
The evolution and development of electric organs
JR Gallant
Electroreception: fundamental insights from comparative approaches, 91-123, 2019
Sperm competition, sexual selection and the diverse reproductive biology of Osteoglossiformes
LA Koenig, JR Gallant
Journal of Fish Biology 99 (3), 740-754, 2021
Nonhuman genetics
JR Gallant, LL Traeger, JD Volkening, H Moffett, PH Chen, CD Novina, ...
Genomic basis for the convergent evolution of electric organs. Science 344 …, 2014
A review of the reproductive biology of mormyroid fishes: an emerging model for biomedical research
AN Saunders, JR Gallant
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental …, 2024
Timing and precision of rattlesnake spinal motoneurons are determined by the KV72/3 potassium channel
MS Bothe, T Kohl, F Felmy, J Gallant, BP Chagnaud
Current biology 34 (2), 286-297. e5, 2024
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