Edward I. Solomon
Edward I. Solomon
Monroe E. Spaght Professor of Chemistry, Stanford University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Multicopper oxidases and oxygenases
EI Solomon, UM Sundaram, TE Machonkin
Chemical reviews 96 (7), 2563-2606, 1996
Structural and functional aspects of metal sites in biology
RH Holm, P Kennepohl, EI Solomon
Chemical reviews 96 (7), 2239-2314, 1996
Geometric and electronic structure/function correlations in non-heme iron enzymes
EI Solomon, TC Brunold, MI Davis, JN Kemsley, SK Lee, N Lehnert, ...
Chemical reviews 100 (1), 235-350, 2000
Copper active sites in biology
EI Solomon, DE Heppner, EM Johnston, JW Ginsbach, J Cirera, ...
Chemical reviews 114 (7), 3659-3853, 2014
A multiplet analysis of Fe K-edge 1s→ 3d pre-edge features of iron complexes
TE Westre, P Kennepohl, JG DeWitt, B Hedman, KO Hodgson, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 119 (27), 6297-6314, 1997
X-ray absorption edge determination of the oxidation state and coordination number of copper. Application to the type 3 site in Rhus vernicifera laccase and its reaction with …
LS Kau, DJ Spira-Solomon, JE Penner-Hahn, KO Hodgson, EI Solomon
Journal of the American Chemical Society 109 (21), 6433-6442, 1987
Electronic structures of active sites in copper proteins: contributions to reactivity
EI Solomon, MJ Baldwin, MD Lowery
Chemical Reviews 92 (4), 521-542, 1992
Oxygen binding, activation, and reduction to water by copper proteins
EI Solomon, P Chen, M Metz, SK Lee, AE Palmer
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 40 (24), 4570-4590, 2001
Electronic structures of metal sites in proteins and models: contributions to function in blue copper proteins
EI Solomon, RK Szilagyi, S DeBeer George, L Basumallick
Chemical reviews 104 (2), 419-458, 2004
A [Cu2O] 2+ core in Cu-ZSM-5, the active site in the oxidation of methane to methanol
JS Woertink, PJ Smeets, MH Groothaert, MA Vance, BF Sels, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (45), 18908-18913, 2009
A study of a series of recombinant fungal laccases and bilirubin oxidase that exhibit significant differences in redox potential, substrate specificity, and stability
F Xu, W Shin, SH Brown, JA Wahleithner, UM Sundaram, EI Solomon
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Protein Structure and Molecular …, 1996
Electronic structure contributions to function in bioinorganic chemistry
EI Solomon, MD Lowery
Science 259 (5101), 1575-1581, 1993
Electron transfer and reaction mechanism of laccases
SM Jones, EI Solomon
Cellular and molecular life sciences 72, 869-883, 2015
Tracking excited-state charge and spin dynamics in iron coordination complexes
W Zhang, R Alonso-Mori, U Bergmann, C Bressler, M Chollet, A Galler, ...
Nature 509 (7500), 345-348, 2014
Ligand K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy: covalency of ligand–metal bonds
EI Solomon, B Hedman, KO Hodgson, A Dey, RK Szilagyi
Coordination Chemistry Reviews 249 (1-2), 97-129, 2005
The active site of low-temperature methane hydroxylation in iron-containing zeolites
BER Snyder, P Vanelderen, ML Bols, SD Hallaert, LH Böttger, L Ungur, ...
Nature 536 (7616), 317-321, 2016
Propylene oxidation on copper oxide surfaces: electronic and geometric contributions to reactivity and selectivity
JB Reitz, EI Solomon
Journal of the American Chemical Society 120 (44), 11467-11478, 1998
Substrate analog binding to the coupled binuclear copper active site in tyrosinase
DE Wilcox, AG Porras, YT Hwang, K Lerch, ME Winkler, EI Solomon
Journal of the American Chemical Society 107 (13), 4015-4027, 1985
Calculation of zero-field splittings, g-values, and the relativistic nephelauxetic effect in transition metal complexes. Application to high-spin ferric complexes
F Neese, EI Solomon
Inorganic chemistry 37 (26), 6568-6582, 1998
Spectroscopy of binuclear dioxygen complexes
EI Solomon, F Tuczek, DE Root, CA Brown
Chemical Reviews 94 (3), 827-856, 1994
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