Catherine Bailey
Catherine Bailey
Kiti vardaiCatherine Truss, Katie Bailey
Professor of Work and Employment, King's College London
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Foundations of nursing research
RM Nieswiadomy, C Bailey
Pearson, 2018
The meaning, antecedents and outcomes of employee engagement: A narrative synthesis
C Bailey, A Madden, K Alfes, L Fletcher
International journal of management reviews 19 (1), 31-53, 2017
The link between perceived human resource management practices, engagement and employee behaviour: a moderated mediation model
K Alfes, AD Shantz, C Truss, EC Soane
The international journal of human resource management 24 (2), 330-351, 2013
Soft and hard models of human resource management: a reappraisal
C Truss, L Gratton, V Hope‐Hailey, P McGovern, P Stiles
Journal of management studies 34 (1), 53-73, 1997
Complexities and controversies in linking HRM with organizational outcomes
C Truss
Journal of management studies 38 (8), 1121-1149, 2001
Employee engagement, organisational performance and individual well-being: exploring the evidence, developing the theory
C Truss, A Shantz, E Soane, K Alfes, R Delbridge
The international journal of human resource management 24 (14), 2657-2669, 2013
Development and application of a new measure of employee engagement: the ISA Engagement Scale
E Soane, C Truss, K Alfes, A Shantz, C Rees, M Gatenby
Human resource development international 15 (5), 529-547, 2012
The relationship between line manager behavior, perceived HRM practices, and individual performance: Examining the mediating role of engagement
K Alfes, C Truss, EC Soane, C Rees, M Gatenby
Human resource management 52 (6), 839-859, 2013
Strategic human resource management: A conceptual approach
C Truss, L Gratton
International Journal of Human Resource Management 5 (3), 663-686, 1994
Strategic human resource management
C Bailey, D Mankin, C Kelliher, T Garavan
Oxford university press, 2018
Working life: Employee attitudes and engagement 2006
C Truss, E Soane, C Edwards, K Wisdom, A Croll, J Burnett
Chartered Inst. of Personnel and Development, 2007
A review of the empirical literature on meaningful work: Progress and research agenda
C Bailey, R Yeoman, A Madden, M Thompson, G Kerridge
Human Resource Development Review 18 (1), 83-113, 2019
The role of employee engagement in the relationship between job design and task performance, citizenship and deviant behaviours
A Shantz, K Alfes, C Truss, E Soane
The international journal of human resource management 24 (13), 2608-2627, 2013
What makes work meaningful—or meaningless
C Bailey, A Madden
MIT Sloan management review, 2016
The HR department's role in organisational performance
VH Hailey, E Farndale, C Truss
Human resource management journal 15 (3), 49-66, 2005
Human resource management on the line?
P McGovern, L Gratton, V Hope‐Hailey, P Stiles, C Truss
Human resource management journal 7 (4), 12-29, 1997
The three-dimensional people strategy: Putting human resources policies into action
L Gratton, C Truss
Academy of Management Perspectives 17 (3), 74-86, 2003
Employee engagement in theory and practice
C Truss, R Delbridge, K Alfes, A Shantz, E Soane
Routledge, 2013
The link between perceived HRM practices, performance and well‐being: The moderating effect of trust in the employer
K Alfes, A Shantz, C Truss
Human Resource Management Journal 22 (4), 409-427, 2012
Strategic human resource management: corporate rhetoric and human reality
L Gratton, V Hope Hailey, P Stiles, C Truss
Oxford University Press, 1999
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