Andres Escobar-Mejia
Andres Escobar-Mejia
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
A semi-Markov model for control of energy storage in utility grids and microgrids with PV generation
AK Barnes, JC Balda, A Escobar-Mejia
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 6 (2), 546-556, 2015
Diseño e implementación de un seguidor solar para la optimización de un sistema fotovoltaico
AE Mejia, MH Londoño, JC Osorio
Scientia et technica 1 (44), 245-250, 2010
Placement of energy storage coordinated with smart PV inverters
AK Barnes, JC Balda, A Escobar-Mejía, SO Geurin
2012 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), 1-7, 2012
Passivity-based control of power systems considering hydro-turbine with surge tank
WJ Gil-González, A Garces, OB Fosso, A Escobar-Mejía
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (3), 2002-2011, 2019
Passivity-based control and stability analysis for hydro-turbine governing systems
W Gil-González, A Garces, A Escobar
Applied Mathematical Modelling 68, 471-486, 2019
Hacia un sistema de bancos de hábitat como herramienta de compensación ambiental en Colombia
M Sarmiento, A López, A Mejía
Documento de discusión 1, 2014
Electric arc furnace modeling for power quality analysis
AÁ Gomez, JJM Durango, AE Mejia
2010 IEEE ANDESCON, 1-6, 2010
Loss comparison of selected core magnetic materials operating at medium and high frequencies and different excitation voltages
R Garcia, A Escobar-Mejia, K George, JC Balda
2014 IEEE 5th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed …, 2014
Optimal battery chemistry, capacity selection, charge/discharge schedule, and lifetime of energy storage under time-of-use pricing
AK Barnes, JC Balda, SO Geurin, A Escobar-Mejía
2011 2nd IEEE PES International Conference and Exhibition on Innovative …, 2011
A new SST topology comprising boost three-level AC/DC converters for applications in electric power distribution systems
LAG Rodriguez, V Jones, AR Oliva, A Escobar-Mejía, JC Balda
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 5 (2), 735-746, 2017
Modular multilevel converter with high-frequency transformers for interfacing hybrid DC and AC microgrid systems
Y Liu, A Escobar-Mejia, C Farnell, Y Zhang, JC Balda, HA Mantooth
2014 IEEE 5th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed …, 2014
Political Institutions, Policymaking Processes, and Policy Outcomes in Ecuador
MC Araujo, A Mejía, A Pérez-Liñán, S Saiegh
Latin American Research Network. Washington: Inter-American Development Bank, 2004
Realization of a modular indirect matrix converter system using normally off SiC JFETs
A Escobar-Mejia, C Stewart, JK Hayes, SS Ang, JC Balda, S Talakokkula
IEEE transactions on power electronics 29 (5), 2574-2583, 2013
A Support Vector machine-Based method for parameter estimation of an electric arc furnace model
J Marulanda-Durango, A Escobar-Mejía, A Alzate-Gómez, ...
Electric Power Systems Research 196, 107228, 2021
A generalized model and control for supermagnetic and supercapacitor energy storage
WJ Gil-González, A Garcés, A Escobar
Ingeniería y Ciencia 13 (26), 147-171, 2017
Conexión de un sistema fotovoltaico a la red eléctrica
AE Mejía, CA Torres, RAH Isaza
Scientia et technica 15 (43), 31-36, 2009
Procrastinación académica, autorregulación del aprendizaje y ansiedad en estudiantes de recién ingreso a comunidades universitarias
A Escobar, L Corzo
Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Universidad Nacional Abierta ya Distancia …, 2018
Dynamic model of a dual active bridge suitable for solid state transformers
D Gonzalez-Agudelo, A Escobar-Mejía, H Ramirez-Murrillo
2016 13th International Conference on Power Electronics (CIEP), 350-355, 2016
Guidelines for developing power stage layouts using normally-off SiC JFETs based on parasitic analysis
C Stewart, A Escobar-Mejía, JC Balda
2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 948-955, 2013
Passivity-based control for DC-microgrids with constant power terminals in island mode operation
D Murillo-Yarce, A Garcés-Ruiz, A Escobar-Mejía
Revista Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia, 32-39, 2018
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