Dr. Maxime Bernaert
Dr. Maxime Bernaert
Program Director of "Master of ICT Enterprise Architecture" at institute
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Enterprise architecture for small and medium-sized enterprises: a starting point for bringing EA to SMEs, based on adoption models
M Bernaert, G Poels, M Snoeck, M De Backer
Information systems for small and medium-sized enterprises: state of art of …, 2014
CHOOSE: Towards a metamodel for enterprise architecture in small and medium-sized enterprises
M Bernaert, G Poels, M Snoeck, M De Backer
Information systems frontiers 18, 781-818, 2016
The quest for know-how, know-why, know-what and know-who: using KAOS for enterprise modelling
M Bernaert, G Poels
Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops: CAiSE 2011 International …, 2011
Information systems for small and medium-sized enterprises: State of Art of IS Research in SMEs
J Devos, H Van Landeghem, D Deschoolmeester
Springer, 2013
Advanced information systems engineering
C Rolland, F Bodardt, C Cauvet
Proceedings, 5th International Conference CAiSE 93, 2011
Evaluating and improving the visualisation of CHOOSE, an enterprise architecture approach for SMEs
S Boone, M Bernaert, B Roelens, S Mertens, G Poels
The Practice of Enterprise Modeling: 7th IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference …, 2014
Advanced Information Systems Engineering
B Pernici, C Thanos
Pergamon, 1999
Development of software tool support for enterprise architecture in small and medium-sized enterprises
J Dumeez, M Bernaert, G Poels
Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops: CAiSE 2013 International …, 2013
An android tablet tool for enterprise architecture modeling in small and medium-sized enterprises
M Bernaert, J Maes, G Poels
IFIP Working Conference on The Practice of Enterprise Modeling, 145-160, 2013
De zoektocht naar know-how, know-why, know-what en know-who
M Bernaert
Tijdschrift informatie 53, 34-41, 2011
Information Systems for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
M Bernaert, G Poels, M Snoeck, M De Backer
Information Systems for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 67-96, 2014
Enterprise architecture software tool support for small and medium-sized enterprises: EASE
D Ingelbeen, M Bernaert, G Poels
19th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2013
Van strategie tot procesmodellering in kleine en middelgrote organisaties: een exploratief onderzoek
S De Nil, E Deprost, M Bernaert, G Poels
University of Ghent, Ghent, 2012
Enterprise architecture for small and medium-sized enterprises
M Bernaert
Confenis Doctoral Consortium, 2012
Keuzes maken binnen processen: het vermijden van een Russische roulette voor de organisaties
M Heyse, M Bernaert, G Poels
University of Ghent, Ghent, 2012
A CONSOLIDATED ENTERPRISE REFERENCE MODEL-Integrating McCarthy’s and Hruby’s Resource-Event-Agent Reference Models
W Laurier, M Bernaert, G Poels
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems 2, 159-164, 2010
The Practice of Enterprise Modeling
U Frank, P Loucopoulos, Ó Pastor, I Petrounias
Springer, 2014
G., Snoeck, M. & De Barker, M.(2014). Enterprise architecture for small and medium-sized enterprises: A starting point for bringing EA to SMs, based on adoption models
MP Bernaert
Information Systems for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, 67-96, 0
The practice of enterprise modeling
J Grabis, M Kirikova, J Zdravkovic, J Stirna
6th IFIP WG 8, 2013-2015, 2020
Simplicity is not Simple: How Business Architecture in One of Belgium’s Biggest Companies Can Be Simple and Easy-to-Use
D De Clercq, M Bernaert, B Roelens, G Poels
The Practice of Enterprise Modeling: 8th IFIP WG 8.1. Working Conference …, 2015
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