Farzaneh Dadrass Javan
A review of image fusion techniques for pan-sharpening of high-resolution satellite imagery
FD Javan, F Samadzadegan, S Mehravar, A Toosi, R Khatami, A Stein
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 171, 101-117, 2021
CMGFNet: A deep cross-modal gated fusion network for building extraction from very high-resolution remote sensing images
H Hosseinpour, F Samadzadegan, FD Javan
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 184, 96-115, 2022
Evaluating the potential of RTK-UAV for automatic point cloud generation in 3D rapid mapping
H Fazeli, F Samadzadegan, F Dadrasjavan
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2016
UAV-based multispectral imagery for fast Citrus Greening detection
F DadrasJavan, F Samadzadegan, SHS Pourazar, H Fazeli
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 126 (4), 307-318, 2019
Detection and recognition of drones based on a deep convolutional neural network using visible imagery
F Samadzadegan, F Dadrass Javan, F Ashtari Mahini, M Gholamshahi
Aerospace 9 (1), 31, 2022
Aerial multispectral imagery for plant disease detection: radiometric calibration necessity assessment
SHS Pourazar, F Samadzadegan, F DadrasJavan
European Journal of Remote Sensing 52, 17-31, 2019
Pricise target geolocation and tracking based on UAV video imagery
HR Hosseinpoor, F Samadzadegan, F DadrasJavan
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2016
Spatial quality assessment of pan-sharpened high resolution satellite imagery based on an automatically estimated edge based metric
FD Javan, F Samadzadegan, P Reinartz
Remote Sensing 5 (12), 6539-6559, 2013
Building change detection using the parallel spatial-channel attention block and edge-guided deep network
A Eftekhari, F Samadzadegan, FD Javan
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 117 …, 2023
A modified YOLOv4 Deep Learning Network for vision-based UAV recognition
F Dadrass Javan, F Samadzadegan, M Gholamshahi, F Ashatari Mahini
Drones 6 (7), 160, 2022
Temperature-Vegetation-soil Moisture-Precipitation Drought Index (TVMPDI); 21-year drought monitoring in Iran using satellite imagery within google Earth engine
S Mehravar, M Amani, A Moghimi, FD Javan, F Samadzadegan, ...
Advances in space research 68 (11), 4573-4593, 2021
Adaptive capacity of smallholder farmers toward climate change: evidence from Hamadan province in Iran
O Jamshidi, A Asadi, K Kalantari, S Movahhed Moghaddam, ...
Climate and Development 12 (10), 923-933, 2020
Citrus orchard mapping in Juybar, Iran: Analysis of NDVI time series and feature fusion of multi-source satellite imageries
A Toosi, FD Javan, F Samadzadegan, S Mehravar, A Kurban, H Azadi
Ecological Informatics 70, 101733, 2022
Automatic crack detection of road pavement based on aerial UAV imagery
F Dadrasjavan, N Zarrinpanjeh, A Ameri
Preprints, 2019
Precise 3D extraction of building roofs by fusion of UAV-based thermal and visible images
M Dahaghin, F Samadzadegan, F Dadrass Javan
International Journal of Remote Sensing 42 (18), 7002-7030, 2021
Spectral and spatial quality assessment of IHS and wavelet based pan-sharpening techniques for high resolution satellite imagery
F DadrasJavan, F Samadzadegan, F Fathollahi
Image Video Process 6 (1), 2018
Pricise target geolocation based on integeration of thermal video imagery and rtk GPS in UAVS
HR Hosseinpoor, F Samadzadegan, F Dadras Javan
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2015
Fusion of UAV-based infrared and visible images for thermal leakage map generation of building facades
S Motayyeb, F Samadzedegan, FD Javan, H Hosseinpour
Heliyon 9 (3), 2023
Evaluating the sensitivity of image fusion quality metrics to image degradation in satellite imagery
F Samadzadegan, F DadrasJavan
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 39, 431-441, 2011
3D thermal mapping of building roofs based on fusion of thermal and visible point clouds in uav imagery
M Dahaghin, F Samadzadegan, F Dadras Javan
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2019
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