manu pant
manu pant
Associate Professor and Head, Department of Biotechnology, Graphic Era Deemed to be University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Cellular mechanisms of cadmium-induced toxicity: a review
A Rani, A Kumar, A Lal, M Pant
International journal of environmental health research 24 (4), 378-399, 2014
Use of biomass-derived biochar in wastewater treatment and power production: A promising solution for a sustainable environment
M Gupta, N Savla, C Pandit, S Pandit, PK Gupta, M Pant, S Khilari, ...
Science of The Total Environment 825, 153892, 2022
Microplastic pollution: Understanding microbial degradation and strategies for pollutant reduction
R Jain, A Gaur, R Suravajhala, U Chauhan, M Pant, V Tripathi, G Pant
Science of The Total Environment 905, 167098, 2023
Plumbago zeylanica L.: a mini review
M Pant, A Lal, S Rana, A Rani
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Applications 3 (3), 399-405, 2012
In vitro propagation of Gigantochloa atroviolaceae Widjaja through nodal explants
P Bisht, M Pant, A Kant
J Am Sci 6, 1019-1026, 2010
Elaeocarpus sphaericus: A tree with curative powers: an overview
P Lal
Research Journal of Medicinal Plant 7 (1), 23-31, 2013
Hippophae salicifolia D. Don.-a plant with multifarious benefits
RA Pant M, Lal, A
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 6 (11), 37-40, 2014
Biodegradation of Congo red using co-culture anode inoculum in a microbial fuel cell
K Sharma, S Pandit, BS Thapa, M Pant
Catalysts 12 (10), 1219, 2022
Brahma Kamal–the spiritually revered, scientifically ignored medicinal plant
B Kamal
Current Science 104 (6), 685, 2013
Evolution of bioinformatics and its impact on modern bio-science in the twenty-first century: special attention to pharmacology, plant science and drug discovery
D Mitra, D Mitra, MS Bensaad, S Sinha, K Pant, M Pant, A Priyadarshini, ...
Computational Toxicology 24, 100248, 2022
A simple cost effective method for mass propagation of Chrysanthemum morifolium and antibacterial activity assessment of in vitro raised plantlets
M Pant, A Lal, R Jain
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 5 (07), 103-111, 2015
In vitro propagation through root-derived callus culture of Swertia chirata Buch.-Ham. ex Wall
M Pant, P Bisht, MP Gusain
African Journal of Biotechnology 11 (29), 2012
De novo shoot organogenesis from cultured root explants of Swertia chirata Buch.-Ham.ex Wall.: An Endangered Medicinal Plant
BPGMP • Pant M
Nature and Science 8 (9), 244-252, 2012
In vitro propagation through axillary bud culture of Swertia chirata Buch.-Ham ex Wall: an endangered medicinal herb
M Pant, P Bisht, MP Gusain
Int J Integr Biol 10 (1), 48-53, 2010
Latest Expansions in Lipid Enhancement of Microalgae for Biodiesel Production: An Update
PV Rawat J, Gupta P, Pandit S, Priya K, Agarwal D, Pant M, Thakur VK
Energies 15 (4), 0
Kashmir saffron in crisis.
AM Husaini, MA Bhat, AN Kamili, MA Mir
Current Science (00113891) 104 (6), 2013
In vitro propagation of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst A medicinally priced herb
J Kaur, K Nautiyal, M Pant
Int J Curr Microbiol Appl Sci 2 (8), 131-138, 2013
The Who's WHo of Plant viruses: a cognitive approach
RA Lal A, Pant M
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and clinical research 8 (1), 60-68, 2015
Synthesis of pectin and eggshell biowaste-mediated nano-hydroxyapatite (nHAp), their physicochemical characterizations, and use as antibacterial material
P Thakur, VK Arivarasan, G Kumar, G Pant, R Kumar, S Pandit, M Pant, ...
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 196 (1), 491-505, 2024
Multi-scale feature fusion-based lightweight dual stream transformer for detection of paddy leaf disease
A Kumar, DP Yadav, D Kumar, M Pant, G Pant
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 195 (9), 1020, 2023
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