Nguyen Van Quynh
Improvement of bio-crude oil properties via co-pyrolysis of pine sawdust and waste polystyrene foam
Q Van Nguyen, YS Choi, SK Choi, YW Jeong, YS Kwon
Journal of Environmental Management 237, 24-29, 2019
Co-pyrolysis of coffee-grounds and waste polystyrene foam: Synergistic effect and product characteristics analysis
Q Van Nguyen, YS Choi, SK Choi, YW Jeong, SY Han
Fuel 292, 120375, 2021
Catalytic co-pyrolysis of coffee-grounds and waste polystyrene foam by calcium oxide in bubbling fluidized bed reactor
Q Van Nguyen, YS Choi, YW Jeong, SY Han, SK Choi
Renewable Energy 224, 120124, 2024
Simulation of the Fast Pyrolysis of Coffee Ground in a Tilted-Slide Reactor
SK Choi, YS Choi, YW Jeong, SY Han, QV Nguyen
Energies 13 (24), 6605, 2020
Simulation of a tilted-slide reactor for the fast pyrolysis of biomass
SK Choi, YS Choi, SJ Kim, SY Han, YW Jeong, YS Kwon, Q Van Nguyen
Biomass and Bioenergy 126, 94-105, 2019
Bio-crude oil production from a new genotype of Miscanthus sacchariflorus Geodae-Uksae 1
SK Choi, YS Choi, SY Han, SJ Kim, T Rahman, YW Jeong, Q Van Nguyen, ...
Renewable Energy 144, 153-158, 2019
Simulation of co-pyrolysis of coffee ground and waste polystyrene foam in a tilted-slide reactor
SK Choi, YS Choi, YW Jeong, SY Han, Q Van Nguyen
Biomass and Bioenergy 177, 106933, 2023
Characteristics of Flame Stability and Gaseous Emission of Bio-Crude Oil from Coffee Ground in a Pilot-Scale Spray Burner
SK Choi, YS Choi, YW Jeong, SY Han, Q Van Nguyen
Energies 13 (11), 2882, 2020
Co-pyrolysis of Coffee Ground and Waste Polystyrene foam in a Tilted-slide Reactor
Y Jeong, Y Choi, Q Van Nguyen
한국폐기물자원순환학회지 38 (6), 473-482, 2021
High-Temperature Settling of Bio-Crude Oil from Coffee Ground as a Pre-Treatment of Upgrading to Biodiesel Fuel
SK Choi, YS Choi, YW Jeong, SY Han, Q Van Nguyen
The 12th Asia-Pacific Forum on Renewable Energy, 246-246, 2023
Fast Pyrolysis of Wheat and Barley Straw to Produce Pyrolytic Bio-Oil in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed Reactor
Q Van Nguyen, YS Choi, SK Choi, SY Han, YW Jeong
The 12th Asia-Pacific Forum on Renewable Energy, 245-245, 2023
Plug Flow Reactor 모델을 이용한 폐플라스틱의 열분해 특성 해석
최상규, 최연석, 정연우, 한소영, 응웬, 반꾸잉
신재생에너지 18 (4), 12-21, 2022
Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis of Coffee-Grounds in Bubbling Fluidized Bed Reactor with Calcium Oxide
Q Van Nguyen, Y Choi, S Choi, S Han, Y Jeong
AFORE, 283-283, 2022
Simulation of Co-Pyrolysis of Coffee Ground and Waste Polystyrene Blends in a Tilted-Slide Reactor
SK Choi, YS Choi, YW Jeong, SY Han, Q Van Nguyen
The 11th Asia-Pacific Forum on Renewable Energy, 285-285, 2022
파일럿 스케일 버너에서 바이오 중유 및 바이오 원유 혼합연료의 연소 특성
정연우, 류영현, 최상규, 최연석, 한소영
한국폐기물자원순환학회지 39 (6), 532-542, 2022
Pyrolysis oil production from waste plastics in a molten salt reactor
SK Choi, YW Jeong, Q Van Nguyen
2nd International Symposium on Electronic Waste and End-of-Life Vehicles …, 2022
A Study on the Characteristics of Flame Stability and Gaseous Emission of Coffee Bio-Crude Oil according to the Variation of Nozzle Geometry in the Pilot-Scale Burner
Y Jeong, Y Choi, S Choi, S Han, Q Nguyen
The 10th Asia-Pacific Forum on Renewable Energy, 224-224, 2021
Improving Properties of Pyrolytic Oil through Catalytic Co-Pyrolysis of Coffee-Grounds and Waste Polystyrene Foam Using Natural Zeolite as a Catalyst
VQ Nguyen, YS Choi, SK Choi, YW Jeong, SY Han
The 10th Asia-Pacific Forum on Renewable Energy, 222-222, 2021
Optimization of a Tilted-Slide Reactor Operation for the Fast Pyrolysis of Biomass
SK Choi, YS Choi, YW Jeong, SY Han, Q Van Nguyen
The 10th Asia-Pacific Forum on Renewable Energy, 431-431, 2021
Natural Zeolite Catalyzed Co-pyrolysis of Coffee-grounds and Waste Polystyrene Foam for the Production of Pyrolysis-oil
VQ Nguyen, Y Choi, S Choi, Y Jeong, S Han
한국신· 재생에너지학회 2021 학술대회, 149-149, 2021
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