Wonjun Choi
Wonjun Choi
PhD candidate, Dankook University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Artificial intelligence (AI)-Based technology adoption in the construction industry: a cross national perspective using the technology acceptance model
S Na, S Heo, W Choi, C Kim, SW Whang
Buildings 13 (10), 2518, 2023
Firm size and artificial intelligence (AI)-Based technology adoption: the role of corporate size in South Korean construction companies
S Na, S Heo, W Choi, S Han, C Kim
Buildings 13 (4), 1066, 2023
Comparison of the performance of artificial intelligence models depending on the labelled image by different user levels
H Sunwoo, W Choi, S Na, C Kim, S Heo
Applied Sciences 12 (6), 3136, 2022
Integrating Drone Imagery and AI for Improved Construction Site Management through Building Information Modeling
W Choi, S Na, S Heo
Buildings 14 (4), 1106, 2024
The modification of A* pathfinding algorithm for building mechanical, electronic and plumbing (MEP) path
W Choi, C Kim, S Heo, S Na
IEEE Access 10, 65784-65800, 2022
A study on the Direction of Application of Metaverse in the Construction Industry
WJ Choi, SJ Heo, S Na, CK Kim
Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference, 231-232, 2022
Serviceability Evaluation of High-Rise Buildings Exposed to Typhoon Proximity Effects Using ISO10137 and ISO6897
S Heo, S Na, W Choi
Buildings 13 (8), 2119, 2023
Improving Construction Site Supervision with Vision Processing AI Technology
SB Lee, KK Park, MJ Seo, WJ Choi, SU Kim, CK Kim
Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference, 235-236, 2023
Research on Digital Construction Site Management Using Drone and Vision Processing Technology
MJ Seo, KK Park, SB Lee, SU Kim, WJ Choi, CK Kim
Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference, 239-240, 2023
Automation of MEP Design Using Large Language Models
KK Park, SB Lee, MJ Seo, SU Kim, WJ Choi, CK Kim
Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference, 237-238, 2023
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