Wentao Mao
Wentao Mao
Henan Normal University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Predicting remaining useful life of rolling bearings based on deep feature representation and transfer learning
W Mao, J He, MJ Zuo
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 69 (4), 1594-1608, 2019
Imbalanced fault diagnosis of rolling bearing based on generative adversarial network: A comparative study
W Mao, Y Liu, L Ding, Y Li
Ieee Access 7, 9515-9530, 2019
A new deep auto-encoder method with fusing discriminant information for bearing fault diagnosis
W Mao, W Feng, Y Liu, D Zhang, X Liang
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 150, 107233, 2021
Online sequential prediction of bearings imbalanced fault diagnosis by extreme learning machine
W Mao, L He, Y Yan, J Wang
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 83, 450-473, 2017
Hybrid Particle Swarm and Grey Wolf Optimizer and its application to clustering optimization
X Zhang, Q Lin, W Mao, S Liu, Z Dou, G Liu
Applied Soft Computing 101, 107061, 2021
A novel deep output kernel learning method for bearing fault structural diagnosis
W Mao, W Feng, X Liang
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 117, 293-318, 2019
Predicting remaining useful life of rolling bearings based on deep feature representation and long short-term memory neural network
W Mao, J He, J Tang, Y Li
Advances in Mechanical Engineering 10 (12), 1687814018817184, 2018
Bearing fault diagnosis with auto-encoder extreme learning machine: A comparative study
W Mao, J He, Y Li, Y Yan
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2017
Transfer learning algorithms for bearing remaining useful life prediction: A comprehensive review from an industrial application perspective
J Chen, R Huang, Z Chen, W Mao, W Li
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 193, 110239, 2023
A new online detection approach for rolling bearing incipient fault via self-adaptive deep feature matching
W Mao, J Chen, X Liang, X Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 69 (2), 443-456, 2019
Online detection for bearing incipient fault based on deep transfer learning
W Mao, L Ding, S Tian, X Liang
Measurement 152, 107278, 2020
A novel vibration-based prognostic scheme for gear health management in surface wear progression of the intelligent manufacturing system
K Feng, JC Ji, Q Ni, Y Li, W Mao, L Liu
Wear 522, 204697, 2023
A new structured domain adversarial neural network for transfer fault diagnosis of rolling bearings under different working conditions
W Mao, Y Liu, L Ding, A Safian, X Liang
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70, 1-13, 2020
Fire recognition based on multi-channel convolutional neural network
W Mao, W Wang, Z Dou, Y Li
Fire technology 54, 531-554, 2018
Online detection of bearing incipient fault with semi-supervised architecture and deep feature representation
W Mao, S Tian, J Fan, X Liang, A Safian
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 55, 179-198, 2020
An adaptive stochastic dominant learning swarm optimizer for high-dimensional optimization
Q Yang, WN Chen, T Gu, H Jin, W Mao, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 52 (3), 1960-1976, 2020
An interpretable deep transfer learning-based remaining useful life prediction approach for bearings with selective degradation knowledge fusion
W Mao, J Liu, J Chen, X Liang
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71, 1-16, 2022
Self-supervised deep domain-adversarial regression adaptation for online remaining useful life prediction of rolling bearing under unknown working condition
W Mao, J Chen, J Liu, X Liang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 19 (2), 1227-1237, 2022
An ELM-based model with sparse-weighting strategy for sequential data imbalance problem
W Mao, J Wang, Z Xue
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics 8, 1333-1345, 2017
A new deep domain adaptation method with joint adversarial training for online detection of bearing early fault
W Mao, L Ding, Y Liu, SS Afshari, X Liang
ISA transactions 122, 444-458, 2022
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