Amine Boukhtouta
Amine Boukhtouta
Experienced Researcher
Patvirtintas el. paštas
On the analysis of the zeus botnet crimeware toolkit
H Binsalleeh, T Ormerod, A Boukhtouta, P Sinha, A Youssef, M Debbabi, ...
2010 eighth international conference on privacy, security and trust, 31-38, 2010
Network malware classification comparison using DPI and flow packet headers
A Boukhtouta, SA Mokhov, NE Lakhdari, M Debbabi, J Paquet
Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques 11, 2015
Detecting Internet abuse by analyzing passive DNS traffic: A survey of implemented systems
S Torabi, A Boukhtouta, C Assi, M Debbabi
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 20 (4), 3389-3415, 2018
NFV security survey in 5G networks: A three-dimensional threat taxonomy
T Madi, HA Alameddine, M Pourzandi, A Boukhtouta
Computer Networks 197, 108288, 2021
Inferring, Characterizing, and Investigating Internet-Scale Malicious IoT Device Activities: A Network Telescope Perspective
S Torabi, E Bou-Harb, C Assi, M Galluscio, A Boukhtouta, M Debbabi
Insights from the analysis of the Mariposa botnet
P Sinha, A Boukhtouta, VH Belarde, M Debbabi
2010 Fifth International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and …, 2010
Inferring and investigating IoT-generated scanning campaigns targeting a large network telescope
S Torabi, E Bou-Harb, C Assi, EMB Karbab, A Boukhtouta, M Debbabi
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 19 (1), 402-418, 2020
Investigating the dark cyberspace: Profiling, threat-based analysis and correlation
C Fachkha, E Bou-Harb, A Boukhtouta, S Dinh, F Iqbal, M Debbabi
2012 7th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and …, 2012
Graph-Theoretic Characterization of Cyber-threat Infrastructures
A Boukhtouta, D Mouheb, M Debbabi, O Alfandi, F Iqbal, M El Barachi
Digital Investigation: The International Journal of Digital Forensics and …, 2015
Multi-perspective content delivery networks security framework using optimized unsupervised anomaly detection
L Yang, A Moubayed, A Shami, P Heidari, A Boukhtouta, A Larabi, ...
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 19 (1), 686-705, 2021
Defaming botnet toolkits: A bottom-up approach to mitigating the threat
T Ormerod, L Wang, M Debbabi, A Youssef, H Binsalleeh, A Boukhtouta, ...
2010 Fourth International Conference on Emerging Security Information …, 2010
Towards fingerprinting malicious traffic
A Boukhtouta, NE Lakhdari, SA Mokhov, M Debbabi
Procedia Computer Science 19, 548-555, 2013
The dataflow pointcut: a formal and practical framework
D Alhadidi, A Boukhtouta, N Belblidia, M Debbabi, P Bhattacharya
Proceedings of the 8th ACM international conference on Aspect-oriented …, 2009
Signalling storm mitigation in a secured radio access network
S Preda, A Boukhtouta, D Migault, FF Moghaddam
US Patent 12,063,510, 2024
Intrusion prevention scheme against rank attacks for software-defined low power IoT networks
C Miranda, G Kaddoum, A Boukhtouta, T Madi, HA Alameddine
IEEE Access 10, 129970-129984, 2022
AutoGuard: A dual intelligence proactive anomaly detection at application-layer in 5G networks
T Madi, HA Alameddine, M Pourzandi, A Boukhtouta, M Shoukry, C Assi
Computer Security–ESORICS 2021: 26th European Symposium on Research in …, 2021
Inferring Malware Family through Application Protocol Sequences Signature
A Boukhtouta, NE Lakhdari, M Debbabi
6th International Conference on New Technologies Mobility and Security (NTMS …, 2014
Cloud native applications profiling using a graph neural networks approach
A Boukhtouta, T Madi, M Pourzandi, H Alameddine
2022 IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF), 220-227, 2022
Forensic data analytics for anomaly detection in evolving networks
L Yang, A Moubayed, A Shami, A Boukhtouta, P Heidari, S Preda, ...
Innovations in Digital Forensics, 99-137, 2023
Technique for monitoring activity in a content delivery network utilizing geohashing indexes
A Boukhtouta, RJ Brunner, A Larabi
US Patent 11,115,455, 2021
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Straipsniai 1–20