Prof. Dr. Ali AKGÜL
Prof. Dr. Ali AKGÜL
Siirt University, Art and Science Faculty, Department of Mathematics
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A novel method for a fractional derivative with non-local and non-singular kernel
A Akgül
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 114, 478-482, 2018
On a fractional operator combining proportional and classical differintegrals
D Baleanu, A Fernandez, A Akgül
Mathematics 8 (3), 360, 2020
Analysis of fractal fractional differential equations
A Atangana, A Akgül, KM Owolabi
Alexandria Engineering Journal 59 (3), 1117-1134, 2020
Modelling and analysis of fractal-fractional partial differential equations: application to reaction-diffusion model
KM Owolabi, A Atangana, A Akgul
Alexandria Engineering Journal 59 (4), 2477-2490, 2020
Can transfer function and Bode diagram be obtained from Sumudu transform
A Atangana, A Akgül
Alexandria Engineering Journal 59 (4), 1971-1984, 2020
New perspective on the conventional solutions of the nonlinear time‐fractional partial differential equations
H Ahmad, A Akgül, TA Khan, PS Stanimirović, YM Chu
Complexity 2020 (1), 8829017, 2020
Brownian motion and thermophoretic diffusion impact on Darcy-Forchheimer flow of bioconvective micropolar nanofluid between double disks with Cattaneo-Christov heat flux
A Shahzad, M Imran, M Tahir, SA Khan, A Akgül, S Abdullaev, C Park, ...
Alexandria Engineering Journal 62, 1-15, 2023
Numerical solutions of fractional differential equations of Lane-Emden type by an accurate technique
A Akgül, M Inc, E Karatas, D Baleanu
Advances in Difference Equations 2015, 1-12, 2015
Thermal radiative mixed convection flow of MHD Maxwell nanofluid: Implementation of buongiorno's model
R Safdar, M Jawad, S Hussain, M Imran, A Akgül, W Jamshed
Chinese Journal of Physics 77, 1465-1478, 2022
Abundant new analytical and approximate solutions to the generalized Schamel equation
B Ghanbari, A Akgül
Physica Scripta 95 (7), 075201, 2020
A fractional Newton method with 2αth-order of convergence and its stability
A Akgül, A Cordero, JR Torregrosa
Applied Mathematics Letters 98, 344-351, 2019
New illustrative applications of integral transforms to financial models with different fractional derivatives
EK Akgül, A Akgül, M Yavuz
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 146, 110877, 2021
Analysis coronavirus disease (COVID-19) model using numerical approaches and logistic model.
A Ahmed, B Salam, M Mohammad, A Akgül, SHA Khoshnaw
Aims Bioengineering 7 (3), 2020
Effects of hybrid nanofluid on novel fractional model of heat transfer flow between two parallel plates
MD Ikram, MI Asjad, A Akgül, D Baleanu
Alexandria Engineering Journal 60 (4), 3593-3604, 2021
On solutions of fractional Riccati differential equations
MG Sakar, A Akgül, D Baleanu
Advances in Difference Equations 2017, 1-10, 2017
Solitary wave solutions of time–space nonlinear fractional Schrödinger’s equation: Two analytical approaches
MS Hashemi, A Akgül
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 339, 147-160, 2018
A Novel Homotopy Perturbation Method with Applications to Nonlinear Fractional Order KdV and Burger Equation with Exponential‐Decay Kernel
S Ahmad, A Ullah, A Akgül, M De la Sen
Journal of Function Spaces 2021 (1), 8770488, 2021
Fractal fractional-order derivative for HIV/AIDS model with Mittag-Leffler kernel
M Farman, A Akgül, MT Tekin, MM Akram, A Ahmad, EE Mahmoud, ...
Alexandria Engineering Journal 61 (12), 10965-10980, 2022
Application of fractional derivative on non-linear biochemical reaction models
A Akgül, SHA Khoshnaw
International Journal of Intelligent Networks 1, 52-58, 2020
Crank–Nicholson difference method and reproducing kernel function for third order fractional differential equations in the sense of Atangana–Baleanu Caputo derivative
A Akgül, M Modanli
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 127, 10-16, 2019
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