Barak Libai
Barak Libai
Marketing Professor, Reichman University (formally IDC), Herzliya , Israel
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Talk of the network: A complex systems look at the underlying process of word-of-mouth
J Goldenberg, B Libai, E Muller
Marketing letters 12, 211-223, 2001
Customer-to-customer interactions: broadening the scope of word of mouth research
B Libai, R Bolton, MS Bügel, K De Ruyter, O Götz, H Risselada, ...
Journal of service research 13 (3), 267-282, 2010
The firm's management of social interactions
D Godes, D Mayzlin, Y Chen, S Das, C Dellarocas, B Pfeiffer, B Libai, ...
Marketing letters 16, 415-428, 2005
Using complex systems analysis to advance marketing theory development: Modeling heterogeneity effects on new product growth through stochastic cellular automata
J Goldenberg, B Libai, E Muller
Academy of Marketing Science Review 9 (3), 1-18, 2001
Customer referral management: Optimal reward programs
E Biyalogorsky, E Gerstner, B Libai
Marketing Science 20 (1), 82-95, 2001
Social effects on customer retention
I Nitzan, B Libai
Journal of marketing 75 (6), 24-38, 2011
What is the true value of a lost customer?
JE Hogan, KN Lemon, B Libai
Journal of Service Research 5 (3), 196-208, 2003
Decomposing the value of word-of-mouth seeding programs: Acceleration versus expansion
B Libai, E Muller, R Peres
Journal of marketing research 50 (2), 161-176, 2013
Quantifying the ripple: Word-of-mouth and advertising effectiveness
JE Hogan, KN Lemon, B Libai
Journal of Advertising Research 44 (3), 271-280, 2004
Brave new world? On AI and the management of customer relationships
B Libai, Y Bart, S Gensler, CF Hofacker, A Kaplan, K Kötterheinrich, ...
Journal of Interactive Marketing 51 (1), 44-56, 2020
The chilling effects of network externalities
J Goldenberg, B Libai, E Muller
International Journal of Research in Marketing 27 (1), 4-15, 2010
Riding the saddle: How cross-market communications can create a major slump in sales
J Goldenberg, B Libai, E Muller
Journal of Marketing 66 (2), 1-16, 2002
The NPV of bad news
J Goldenberg, B Libai, S Moldovan, E Muller
International Journal of Research in Marketing 24 (3), 186-200, 2007
In pursuit of enhanced customer retention management: Review, key issues, and future directions
E Ascarza, SA Neslin, O Netzer, Z Anderson, PS Fader, S Gupta, ...
Customer Needs and Solutions 5, 65-81, 2018
From density to destiny: Using spatial dimension of sales data for early prediction of new product success
T Garber, J Goldenberg, B Libai, E Muller
Marketing Science 23 (3), 419-428, 2004
The diffusion of services
B Libai, E Muller, R Peres
Journal of marketing research 46 (2), 163-175, 2009
Marketing percolation
J Goldenberg, B Libai, S Solomon, N Jan, D Stauffer
Physica A: statistical mechanics and its applications 284 (1-4), 335-347, 2000
Setting referral fees in affiliate marketing
B Libai, E Biyalogorsky, E Gerstner
Journal of Service Research 5 (4), 303-315, 2003
Toward an individual customer profitability model: A segment-based approach
B Libai, D Narayandas, C Humby
Journal of service Research 5 (1), 69-76, 2002
Targeting revenue leaders for a new product
M Haenlein, B Libai
Journal of marketing 77 (3), 65-80, 2013
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