Daniel Yamoah Agyemang
Daniel Yamoah Agyemang
Department of Construction and Quality Management, The Hong Kong Metropolitan University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Ascertaining the interaction effects among organisational citizenship behaviour, work overload and employees’ performance in the Ghanaian construction industry
E Kissi, OA Asare, K Agyekum, DY Agyemang, M Labaran
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 68 (7 …, 2019
Drivers militating against the pricing of sustainable construction materials: The Ghanaian quantity surveyors perspective
E Kissi, MA Sadick, DY Agyemang
Case studies in construction materials 8, 507-516, 2018
What should be focused on when digital transformation hits industries? literature review of business management adaptability
Y Zhang, PSW Fong, D Yamoah Agyemang
Sustainability 13 (23), 13447, 2021
Identification of factors influencing the pricing of sustainable construction materials in developing countries: views of Ghanaian quantity surveyors
K Ernest, AS Samuel, DY Agyemang, O Daniel, D Caleb
International Journal of Construction Management 22 (11), 2144-2153, 2022
Examining barriers for the utilization of non-traditional cost estimating models in developing countries: Ghanaian quantity surveyors’ perspectives
B Agyekum, E Kissi, D Yamoah Agyemang, E Badu
Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology 16 (6), 814-827, 2018
Towards desirable skill-set acquisition by construction management students: A systematic review
DY Agyemang, P Fong
Proceedings of the International Conference on Intellectual Capital …, 2019
Diagnosing critical barriers to international construction joint ventures success in the developing country of Ghana
MO Tetteh, APC Chan, SR Mohandes, DY Agyemang
Construction Innovation 23 (5), 1151-1185, 2023
The influence of organizational infrastructure on organizational effectiveness in the construction industry
DY Agyemang, PSW Fong, E Kissi
Case Studies in Construction Materials
E Kissi, MA Sadick, DY Agyemang
Climate Change Resilience of Existing Buildings: Scientometric analysis of global research
DY Agyemang, A Darko, APC Chan
Determinants of Academic Quality Disparity Among Construction Post-Graduate Students in Ghana.
DG Owusu-Manu, DY Agyemang
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