Wai Chong Chia
Wai Chong Chia
Kiti vardaiChia Wai Chong
Department of Engineering, Sunway University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Analysis of single-electrode EEG rhythms using MATLAB to elicit correlation with cognitive stress
CKA Lim, WC Chia
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering 7 (2), 149, 2015
Energy efficiency performance improvements for ant‐based routing algorithm in wireless sensor networks
AM Zungeru, KP Seng, LM Ang, W Chong Chia
Journal of Sensors 2013 (1), 759654, 2013
A mobile driver safety system: Analysis of single-channel EEG on drowsiness detection
CKA Lim, WC Chia, SW Chin
2014 International Conference on Computational Science and Technology (ICCST …, 2014
Secure Force: A low-complexity cryptographic algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)
M Ebrahim, CW Chong
2013 IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and …, 2013
Low memory image stitching and compression for WMSN using strip–based processing
WC Chia, LW Chew, LM Ang, KP Seng
International Journal of Sensor Networks 11 (1), 22-32, 2012
Very low-memory wavelet compression architecture using strip-based processing for implementation in wireless sensor networks
LW Chew, WC Chia, L Ang, KP Seng
EURASIP journal on embedded systems 2009, 1-16, 2009
Wireless multimedia sensor networks on reconfigurable hardware
L Ang, KP Seng, LW Chew, LS Yeong, WC Chia
Springer, 2013
Low–memory video compression architecture using strip–based processing for implementation in wireless multimedia sensor networks
LW Chew, WC Chia, LM Ang, KP Seng
International Journal of Sensor Networks 11 (1), 33-47, 2012
Video games: A potential vehicle for teaching computational thinking
SI Ch’ng, YC Low, YL Lee, WC Chia, LS Yeong
Computational thinking education, 247-260, 2019
Trip planning route optimization with operating hour and duration of stay constraints
WC Chia, LS Yeong, FJX Lee, SI Ch'ng
2016 11th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE …, 2016
Multiview image compression for wireless multimedia sensor network using image stitching and SPIHT coding with EZW tree structure
WC Chia, LM Ang, KP Seng
2009 International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and …, 2009
An automated approach for locating multiple faulty LUTs in an FPGA
TN Kumar, CW Chong
Microelectronics Reliability 48 (11-12), 1900-1906, 2008
A comprehensive review of distributed coding algorithms for visual sensor network (VSN)
M Ebrahim, CW Chong
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security 6 …, 2014
Multiview image block compressive sensing with joint multiphase decoding for visual sensor network
M Ebrahim, WC Chia
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications …, 2015
A smart parking and reservation system for QR-code-based car park
WC Chia, N Salimi
Innovation in the High-Tech Economy, 91-101, 2013
Block compressive sensing (BCS) based low complexity, energy efficient visual sensor platform with joint multi-phase decoder (JMD)
M Ebrahim, WC Chia, SH Adil, K Raza
Sensors 19 (10), 2309, 2019
The effect of rainfall on feature points extraction and image stitching
WC Chia, LS Yeong, SI Ch'Ng, KP Seng, LM Ang
2014 International Conference on Information Science, Electronics and …, 2014
Wireless multimedia sensor network technology
L Ang, KP Seng, LW Chew, LS Yeong, WC Chia, L Ang, KP Seng, ...
Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks on Reconfigurable Hardware: Information …, 2013
A Wearable Wireless Brain-Computer Interface Using Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials
A Lim, WC Chia
2018 3rd International Conference on Control, Robotics and Cybernetics (CRC …, 2018
Estimating free space in an elevator's confined environment
F Mohamudally, LS Yeong, CW Chong
TENCON 2015-2015 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 1-6, 2015
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