P.W. Chan
P.W. Chan
Hong Kong Observatory
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Statistical analysis of wind characteristics and wind energy potential in Hong Kong
ZR Shu, QS Li, PW Chan
Energy Conversion and Management 101, 644-657, 2015
Applications of an infrared Doppler lidar in detection of wind shear
CM Shun, PW Chan
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 25 (5), 637-655, 2008
The urban cool island phenomenon in a high-rise high-density city and its mechanisms
X Yang, Y Li, Z Luo, PW Chan
International Journal of Climatology 37 (2), 890-904, 2017
Investigation of offshore wind energy potential in Hong Kong based on Weibull distribution function
ZR Shu, QS Li, PW Chan
Applied Energy 156, 362-373, 2015
A review of progress and applications of pulsed Doppler wind LiDARs
Z Liu, JF Barlow, PW Chan, JCH Fung, Y Li, C Ren, HWL Mak, E Ng
remote sensing 11 (21), 2522, 2019
A multi-sensor study of water vapour from radiosonde, MODIS and AERONET: a case study of Hong Kong.
Z Liu, MS Wong, J Nichol, PW Chan
International Journal of Climatology 33 (1), 2013
Performance and application of a multi-wavelength, ground-based microwave radiometer in intense convective weather
PW Chan
Meteorologische Zeitschrift 18 (3), 253, 2009
Wind weakening in a dense high-rise city due to over nearly five decades of urbanization
L Peng, JP Liu, Y Wang, P Chan, T Lee, F Peng, M Wong, Y Li
Building and Environment 138, 207-220, 2018
Effects of anthropogenic heat due to air-conditioning systems on an extreme high temperature event in Hong Kong
Y Wang, Y Li, SD Sabatino, A Martilli, PW Chan
Environmental Research Letters 13 (3), 034015, 2018
Validation and accuracy assessment of a Simplified Aerosol Retrieval Algorithm (SARA) over Beijing under low and high aerosol loadings and dust storms
M Bilal, JE Nichol, PW Chan
Remote sensing of environment 153, 50-60, 2014
Observations of offshore wind characteristics by Doppler-LiDAR for wind energy applications
ZR Shu, QS Li, YC He, PW Chan
Applied Energy 169, 150-163, 2016
Tower observed vertical distribution of PM2. 5, O3 and NOx in the Pearl River Delta
L Li, C Lu, PW Chan, X Zhang, HL Yang, ZJ Lan, WH Zhang, YW Liu, ...
Atmospheric Environment 220, 117083, 2020
Investigating the energy saving potential of applying shading panels on opaque façades: A case study for residential buildings in Hong Kong
S Liu, YT Kwok, KKL Lau, PW Chan, E Ng
Energy and Buildings 193, 78-91, 2019
Deep neural network based feature representation for weather forecasting
JNK Liu, Y Hu, JJ You, PW Chan
Proceedings on the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI), 1, 2014
Rain footprints on C-band synthetic aperture radar images of the ocean-Revisited
W Alpers, B Zhang, A Mouche, K Zeng, PW Chan
Remote Sensing of Environment 187, 169-185, 2016
Deep neural network modeling for big data weather forecasting
JNK Liu, Y Hu, Y He, PW Chan, L Lai
Information granularity, big data, and computational intelligence, 389-408, 2015
Modeling of anthropogenic heat flux using HJ-1B Chinese small satellite image: A study of heterogeneous urbanized areas in Hong Kong
MS Wong, J Yang, J Nichol, Q Weng, M Menenti, PW Chan
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 12 (7), 1466-1470, 2015
An observational study of the hygroscopic properties of aerosols over the Pearl River Delta region
H Tan, Y Yin, X Gu, F Li, PW Chan, H Xu, X Deng, Q Wan
Atmospheric environment 77, 817-826, 2013
Operational LIDAR-based system for automatic windshear alerting at the Hong Kong International Airport
PW Chan, CM Shun, KC Wu
12th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology 6, 2006
Quick access recorder data analysis software for windshear and turbulence studies
H Haverdings, PW Chan
Journal of Aircraft 47 (4), 1443-1447, 2010
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