Dr. Kashif Naseer Qureshi
Dr. Kashif Naseer Qureshi
Associate Professor, Dept of ECE, University of Limerick, Ireland
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
A survey on intelligent transportation systems
KN Qureshi, AH Abdullah
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 15 (5), 629-642, 2013
A critical review for developing accurate and dynamic predictive models using machine learning methods in medicine and health care
HO Alanazi, AH Abdullah, KN Qureshi
Journal of medical systems 41, 1-10, 2017
Smart Home Energy Management Systems in Internet of Things networks for green cities demands and services
MS Aliero, KN Qureshi, MF Pasha, G Jeon
Environmental Technology & Innovation 22, 101443, 2021
Internet of vehicles: Key technologies, network model, solutions and challenges with future aspects
KN Qureshi, S Din, G Jeon, F Piccialli
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (3), 1777-1786, 2020
Optimized cluster‐based dynamic energy‐aware routing protocol for wireless sensor networks in agriculture precision
KN Qureshi, MU Bashir, J Lloret, A Leon
Journal of sensors 2020 (1), 9040395, 2020
A novel and secure attacks detection framework for smart cities industrial internet of things
KN Qureshi, SS Rana, A Ahmed, G Jeon
Sustainable Cities and Society 61, 102343, 2020
Link quality and energy utilization based preferable next hop selection routing for wireless body area networks
KN Qureshi, S Din, G Jeon, F Piccialli
Computer Communications 149, 382-392, 2020
An accurate and dynamic predictive model for a smart M-Health system using machine learning
KN Qureshi, S Din, G Jeon, F Piccialli
Information Sciences 538, 486-502, 2020
Green communication for wireless body area networks: energy aware link efficient routing approach
M Anwar, AH Abdullah, A Altameem, KN Qureshi, F Masud, M Faheem, ...
Sensors 18 (10), 3237, 2018
An algorithm for detecting SQL injection vulnerability using black-box testing
MS Aliero, I Ghani, KN Qureshi, MF Rohani
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 11, 249-266, 2020
Security issues and attacks in wireless sensor network
RW Anwar, M Bakhtiari, A Zainal, AH Abdullah, KN Qureshi
World Applied Sciences Journal 30 (10), 1224-1227, 2014
Electric-vehicle energy management and charging scheduling system in sustainable cities and society
KN Qureshi, A Alhudhaif, G Jeon
Sustainable Cities and Society 71, 102990, 2021
Health-ID: A blockchain-based decentralized identity management for remote healthcare
IT Javed, F Alharbi, B Bellaj, T Margaria, N Crespi, KN Qureshi
Healthcare 9 (6), 712, 2021
Anomaly detection and trust authority in artificial intelligence and cloud computing
KN Qureshi, G Jeon, F Piccialli
Computer Networks 184, 107647, 2021
Security protocol using elliptic curve cryptography algorithm for wireless sensor networks
R Qazi, KN Qureshi, F Bashir, NU Islam, S Iqbal, A Arshad
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 12, 547-566, 2021
A priority-based congestion-avoidance routing protocol using IoT-based heterogeneous medical sensors for energy efficiency in healthcare wireless body area networks
KM Awan, N Ashraf, MQ Saleem, OE Sheta, KN Qureshi, A Zeb, K Haseeb, ...
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 15 (6), 1550147719853980, 2019
Deep learning-based ambient assisted living for self-management of cardiovascular conditions
MA Qureshi, KN Qureshi, G Jeon, F Piccialli
Neural Computing and Applications, 1-19, 2022
Wireless body area networks for healthcare applications: An overview
M Anwar, AH Abdullah, KN Qureshi, AH Majid
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 15 (3 …, 2017
Road aware geographical routing protocol coupled with distance, direction and traffic density metrics for urban vehicular ad hoc networks
KN Qureshi, AH Abdullah, A Altameem
Wireless Personal Communications 92, 1251-1270, 2017
A dynamic congestion control scheme for safety applications in vehicular ad hoc networks
KN Qureshi, AH Abdullah, O Kaiwartya, S Iqbal, RA Butt, F Bashir
Computers & Electrical Engineering 72, 774-788, 2018
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